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Category Archives: Interstial Cystitis/Gynecologic
Pain News – Short Snaps June 2017
June 2017 Pain News: I put them up as short snaps because not going to blog note them – hope you like. You will probably not find many in news elsewhere.
Vulvodynia Treatments 2017
New approaches include topical neuromodulation which means “Podophyllotoxin (5 mg/mL) applied locally to tender points of vestibule after 5% acetic acid application. Treated area was covered with a mild estrogen cream and covered with gauze pads until the next day” … Continue reading
More Painful Bladder Syndrome Non-invasive Treatments
I have painful bladder victims that do not want instillations – multiple allergies that would make infections impossible to treat is one issue. There are some other options mentioned in a recent review that are not common.
Endometriosis and Painful Bladder Syndrome: Evil Twins in Regard to Chronic Pelvic Pain
In chronic pelvic pain, 61% will have painful bladder syndrome, 70% will have endometriosis, and 48% will have both. They do indeed seem to be evil twins often operating together.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increases Interstitial Cystitis(IC)/Painful Bladder (PBS) Risk by 3.7 times
Study of 2940 Obstructive sleep apnea subjects over 3 years found a 3.7 times risk of having IC/PBS.
Posted in Interstial Cystitis/Gynecologic, Sleep
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Interstitial Cystitis – Good and Bad Foods
90% of Victims with Interstitial Cystitis will report food triggers. A recent article did a survey and summarized which are good and bad.
Interstitial Cystitis and Back Pain – Should a Steroid Caudal Block Be Tried? And More on Tarlov Cysts
Two Cases of Cystoscopy proven Interstitial Cystitis (with granulations) attained 100% relief of bladder pain with 3 mls 1% lidocaine and 40 mg kenalog injected caudally. Both had obvious tarlov cysts in sacrum casing sacral nerve irritation but makes one wonder … Continue reading
Cyclosporin A for Interstitial Cystitis
I had not researched Cyclosporin A for Interstitial cystitis prior so felt I should..
Mixed Drug Treatment Of Interstitial Cystitis(IC)/Painful Bladder (PB) Syndrome
With an increased drug sensitivity, subjects with IC/PB do not handle medications very well. Drugs specifically designed for their condiition (like Elmiron and intra-bladder DMSO)) do not work well. The beauty of this therapy was low does of multiple medications … Continue reading
Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder – What are the Genetic Correlates?
Twin studies have found genetic linkages of IC/painful bladder syndrome with several diseases – Irritable bowel, prior physical abuse, frequent headaches, multiple drug allergies, and self reported bladder infections.
Confirmed – Alkalanized lidocaine works for Interstitial Cystitis – and Better Yet With Heparin
In a controlled trial,”a combination of 50,000 units of heparin (Baxter), 200 mg lidocaine hydrochloride (Hospira), and 420 mg sodium bicarbonate in 15 mL of water” instilled in the bladder, using a “hydrophilic LoFric 10 French catheter was used to … Continue reading
Unexplained Abdominal Pains & Problems – Could Be Hypermobility
In patients with unexplained abdominal problems referred to a tertiary centre, half had evidence of joint hypermobility syndrome (JHS). Though Hypermobility is noted for its relation to Fibromyalgia, it appears abdominal problems are even more likely – something that would … Continue reading
Clitoral Pain Following Hysterectomy – Finally an Effective Treatment
This can be a terrible situation to deal with. Had one case many years ago. Went back to the gynecologist who had nothing to offer. Too tender an area for injections. Now it looks like spinal cord stimulation can help.
Resistent Interstitial Cystitis (IC) – Sacral Neuromodulation 6 year Confirmed Benefits
Some resistant cases of IC defy treatment options – sacral neuromodulation appears successful.
Question Related To Interstitial Cystitis Problem
Do you have any further info up to date for 2010 as my IC friend’s condition is very severe presently for last 2 weeks & here in India we are being told they know little about IC. She’s desperate for … Continue reading
Posted in Interstial Cystitis/Gynecologic, pelvic
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Progress in Mastocytosis Diagnosis in Saskatchewan
After a talk with our provincial lab, serum tryptase levels will be allowed for select patients
Is Fibromyalgia a Mast Cell Disease – like some “somatization diseases” such as migraine, TMJ, irritable bowel, and interstitial cystitis
Sorry – trying to change fonts has duplicated some areas… It is become increasingly clear that so-called “somatization” “psychosomatic” diseases are associated with abnormal concentrations of mast cells – guardians of peripheral sensitization and also carriers of allergy reactions such as hives. … Continue reading
Intra-Bladder Lidocaine Freezing to Diagnose Bladder Pain Syndromes and Lidocaine Treatments for Bladder Pain
20 mls of 2% Lidocaine Intravesically (into bladder) wil cause over a 50% relief of pain in patients with bladder pain syndromes – distinguishing it from other pelvic pain diseases.
Posted in Interstial Cystitis/Gynecologic
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Vulvodynia Therapy Patient Resource
As a male doctor, I have trouble imparting all the info needed for someone with vulvodynia. Fortunately, Corrie Anne Goldfinger did her Master’s thesis at Queen’s University on the subject. It is available free here (~2+ MB) Since it is … Continue reading
Posted in Interstial Cystitis/Gynecologic
New Treatment For Vulvodynia – 6% Gabapentin in Lipoderm
6% Gapapentin in Lipoderm is helpful in vulodynia. Interesting how they made it up.
Mast Cells and Histamine Receptors Cause Pain in Interstital Cystitis (IC) and We Must Deal Better With Peripheral Pain Generators
Startling findings from gene deletion mice experiments implicate mast cells and histamine receptors in IC. It is also implicated that other peripheral sensitizations might follow that process.
Posted in Interstial Cystitis/Gynecologic
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New Option For Interstitial Cystitis
Pentosan Polysulfate, i.e. Elmiron, is used orally for IC but can take 3 – 6 months to gain effect with 35-40% of subjects having marked improvement of symptoms. as per here Now it appears it can be given intravesically (into … Continue reading
Restless Legs and Interstitial Cystitis Related to Gut Bacterial Overgrowth?
In those patients with Irritable bowel and restless leg syndrome, significant benefits can occur if therapy to treat bacterial overgrowth is undertaken
Bah to Lyme? – Check out Lichen Sclerosis RX
Lichen Sclerosis and its male equivalent balanitis xerotica obliterans can be disabling conditions. It can cause disabling pain, burning, pruritis, and genital lesions. Lyme disease Borrelia burgdorferi have been detected in cases of this, so a recent study used Lyme … Continue reading
Vulvodynia be gone? Botox study
In this small study pain levels dropped from 8.3/10 to 1.4/10 without recurrence over the year of followup. One or two botox injection sessions were needed.
Posted in Interstial Cystitis/Gynecologic