The first question I ask a shingles / herpes zoster patient is whether they would mind if what pain they currently had persisted. This is because efficacy of anti-virals could be limited…They are still fighting over whether anti-virals prevents post-herpetic neuralgia as late as November 2009 – in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA):JAMA, November 4, 2009—Vol 302, No. 17, p1862:
“I stand by my statement that “[p]revention of PHN is a major concern because antiviral drugs alone do not reliably prevent this complication.” The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), using the definition of PHN cited by Zhou et al, concluded that although treatment may decrease the median duration of pain (as a continuum), the data from well-controlled clinical trials did not provide evidence of reduction of PHN for any of the licensed drugs: acyclovir,1 valacyclovir,2 or famciclovir.3 The FDA refused to grant this indication based on its analyses and input from advisory committees. ”
So to make an impact on a potentially quality of life changing disease, nerve blocks appears to be the ticket. I can only assume those who feel there is not enough evidence , have never done one – the relief is immediate and often sustained. Fortunately, there is now a controlled trial of blocks versus anti-virals Continue reading →