Sacral Nerve Root Stimulation Helps Coccygodynia

Sacral Nerve Root Stimulation (SNS) was compared with Peripheral Subcutaneous Field Stimulation (PSFS).  SNS attenuated pain 50 – 60% at low stimulation with good patient satisfaction.

A. Woo, A. Alkaisy, S. Bagchi, T. Goroszeniuk
IASP poster PM 366, Montreal 2010

  • severe cases
  • refractory to radiofrequency denervation
  • “sander quad lead was inserted via a retrograde approach to stimulate the S4 & S5 Sacral Nerve Roots”
  • Peripherally implanted leads were prone to migration, needed higher voltager to stimulate and gave 30-40% reduction in VAS
  • Sacral Nerve Root Stimulation gave 50-60% relief as low voltages and was met with high patient satisfaction.

Comment – from what I understand, scaral nerve root stimulation is a simple procedure. I believe they are done at the pelvic pain clinic at Foothills hospital in Calgary.

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One Response to Sacral Nerve Root Stimulation Helps Coccygodynia

  1. Bruce says:

    My life has been totally destroyed by workplace injury, and aka; Saskatchewan WCB;
    Everything possible has been deliberately done to deny “Timely Medical Diagnosis – Medical Investigation – Timely Medical Treatment”

    I have been subjected to Psychopathic Liar aka; claims adjuster @ WCB who deliberately denied my multiple physicians requests for expedited specialist appointments / warning return to work was unsafe; I was lied to and told “No Workplace Restrictions” even though multiple physicians identified to WCB I could ONLY be returned to work if my workplace injury were accommodated:

    Due to being “Starved back to work undiagnosed on Narcotics due to severe pain” I suffered severe MULTIPLE INJURIES, which of course same WCB Psychopath claims adjuster denied request for specialist appointment all over again.

    Ask yourself this: WHY? is the Sask Party Government allowing NON-MEDICAL claims adjusters at WCB to direct injured workers medical care.? Previously, Saskatchewan Committee of review, 2001, 2006, stated, Injured workers are NOT given “Full Disclosure” of claim files; In 2011 The Committee of review made a “BIG DEAL” out of the denial of “Full Disclosure” of claim files. In September 2011, I requested full disclosure of my Injury Claim file; aka; “Summary Documents” prepared by Board Services, which Board Tribunal Members read, then adjudicate the injured workers appeal; – (The summary document is supposed to be a chronological history of the injured workers claim ) WCB Corporate denied me copies of summary document as they stated; “All this information is already in your claim file which you have received: ‘ Luckily, I found a PRO BONO Attorney’; who requested these documents; After lengthy denials, Some of the summary documents were sent. “What I found in “SUMMARY DOCUMENTS” – Falsified – Fabricated – Fictitious LIES; I was stunned to see WCB reporting I saw a specialist and received treatment for workplace injury. “I never saw this doctor and I never received treatment from this doctor” also: WCB rewrote specialist report incorrectly, leaving the syllable “S” from the doctors report: He stated; My fractures likely the cause of my severe pain; WCB rewrote it: my fracture might be the cause of pain; My fractures went from “MULTIPLE FRACTURES to ONE FRACTURE with the report; Also, WCB changed the diagnosis of injury, reached from diagnostic test to deliberately mis-represent, convolute, misconstrue, the injury. The diagnostic test clearly proved repetitive strain injury; After WCB rewording, they made it look like age related problem; WCB Medical Consultant wrote to neurosurgeon, and deliberately lied, to get him to change his report; Then when that wasn’t good enough, they rewrote his report, so they could deliberately “TORTURE” me: Finally, WCB deliberately lied, stating my injury was previously, diagnosed; My injury claim file, clearly identifies my injury was UNDIAGNOSED, and was denied medical investigation, treatment. WCB has $1.9 BILLION reasons to deny injured workers medical care for workplace injuries;

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