Kids With Chronic Abdominal Pain Have Very High Rates Of Gut Bacterial Overgrowth

Using lactulose breath hydrogen test (LBT) to diagnose Small Intestinal Bacterial Ovewrgrowth (SIBO), 91% of children with chronic abdominal pain had evidence of bacterial overgrowth versus 35% of controls.

Dig Dis Sci. 2010 Jan;55(1):124-30.
Chronic abdominal pain in children is associated with high prevalence of abnormal microbial fermentation.
Collins BS, Lin HC. abstract here

  • Guts with too many bugs will generate alot of gas if given certain sugars – hence the test – It measures how much of this gas is breathed out after a certain sugar (lactulose) load.
  • They refer to a study that found bacerial overgrowth in  78-84% of irritable bowel cases regardless of their abdominal symptoms, compared to 20% of healthy controls
  • In study, 75 children aged 8-18 years
  • almost 3 times incidence abnormal breath test in children with chronic abdominal pain – 91% abdominal pain group versus 35% controls
  • Those with positive tests had more “urgency to have a bowel movement” (P = 0.049) and had less “soiling” (P = 0.016)

There was a previous article that discussed this issue:

Pediatr. 1996 Feb;128(2):203-7.
Small-bowel bacterial overgrowth in children with chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, or both.
de Boissieu D, Chaussain M, Badoual J, Raymond J, Dupont C.  abstract here

  • 53 children  (2 months to 12 years) with chronic diarrhea or abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea defined by age:
    • before age 6 months> 1 liquid stool after each meal  x 30+ days
    • older – 3+ loose stools/day x 30+ days
  • Abdominal pain –  at least 3 days/wk for > 1 month. In infants bad enough to cause “intense periods of crying lasting several hours each day”, with pain facies, and no response to comfort measures plus normal examination.
  • Hydrogen breath test used – 34% were positive
  • Symptoms in positive:
    • early onset <3 months of age in 10 (55 %)
    • persisted for 6 -+ 5 months
    • abdominal pain and diarrhea combo in 55%
    • isolated diarrhea in 28%
    • isolated abdominal pain in 17%
    • Abdominal pain in 100% of children 5 months of age or younger,
    • adbominal pain in 54% of children more than 5 months of age (p <0.05).
    • Abdominal pain was noticed during or after feeding in 80%
    • abdominal pain during sleep in 47%.
    • Fetid stools, mucus in stools, and flatulence more common
  • Those with positive test were given “combination of colistin, 250,000 IU/kg per day, and metronidazole, 30 mg/kg per day, for 10 days.”
  • With treatment 60% better in 3 days; all better in 7
  • the following site talks about giving metronidazole (Flagyl) to kids:

Comment – well, we know there is bacterial issues in babies because colic can be treated by probiotics.

Neomycin has been shown to help constipation predominant irritable bowel:
Dig Dis Sci. 2006 Aug;51(8):1297-301.
Neomycin improves constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome in a fashion
that is dependent on the presence of methane gas: subanalysis of a double-blind
randomized controlled study.
Pimentel M, Chatterjee S, Chow EJ, Park S, Kong Y. abstract here
IBS also Discussed here:
Restless Legs and Interstitial Cystitis Related to Gut Bacterial Overgrowth?

That link also describes the high rate of bacterial overgrowth in irritable bowel as well as abstract below:
Pimentel, M., Chow, E.J., Lin, H.C.
Normalization of lactulose breath testing correlates with symptom improvement in irritable bowel syndrome: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study
(2003) American Journal of Gastroenterology, 98 (2), pp. 412-419  abstract here

Any comments or suggestions? Those that suggest yogurt better hope child does not have a lactose intolerance because 50% of those cannot tolerate yogurt well.

available to be done at home in Toronto here: (articles say you can do over 6 months but I don’t know if they will take your money for a 6 month old…

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One Response to Kids With Chronic Abdominal Pain Have Very High Rates Of Gut Bacterial Overgrowth

  1. sylvie copetti says:

    my son had sore stomach for 5 months with no relief. also pain in the rectum, burning sensation and trouble pooping. doctors tells me he is constipated but he is on laxaday and acid pills. no camera was done. what can we do? all test were done and it shows that his iron is low and anarexia cause of the lost of weight (25pds) my son is 12 years old and was weighing 110pds in June 2010.
    i am really concern of his health and need all the help i can get. can you help me?

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