I hate the term Fibromyaglia (FM) – not because it doesn’t exist but because it stops people looking for potentially treatable issues as well. “It’s all just Fibromyalgia” is just too convenient. Here is an example of a subject with FM and a dural leak (leaking spinal fluid at some level in the spine) that would have had a zero life if it had gone undetected
Clin Rheumatol. 2008 Sep;27(9):1203-4. Epub 2008 May 24. A fibromyalgia patient with traumatic cerebrospinal fluid leak: a case report. Toda K, Moriyama E, Ishikawa S. abstract
“A woman was referred because of widespread pain, general fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and deterioration of memory after a traffic accident…Although she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, her widespread pain was unusually severe.”
Tip-off was the fact standing made her condition worse. She underwent radioisotope cisternography which detected the leak – it responded to epidural blood patching
It was suggested that in cases of Fibromyalgia more severe than expected and refractory to treatment – look for changes of pain from laying to standing and consider a dural leak.
I have never seen a condition more malinged than Fibromyalgia due to the ignorance of people in aspects of chronic pain. I saw one psychiatrist say it was all psychological without adequate supporting evidence.
There must be some comments out there about this..
I wish it were as easy as all this, as I am sure my doctor thinks as well.