Four questions can improve accuracy of knee cartilage diagnosis
Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2010 Sep 22. [Epub ahead of print]
Development and preliminary validation of a meniscal symptom index.
Niu NN, Losina E, Martin SD, Wright J, Solomon DH, Katz JN. abstract here
- started with 300 cases and 11 item questionnaire.
- Came out with 4 questions most relevant:
- clicking (Do you feel a clicking sensation or hear a clicking noise when you move your knee?)
- Catching (Do you feel that sometimes something is caught in your knee that momentarily prevents movement?)
- Giving way (Do you sometimes feel that your knee will give out and not support your weight?)
- Localized pain (Is your knee pain centered to 1 spot on the knee that you can point to with your finger?)
Chance of meniscus based on number of affirmative answers:
Comment – Could be quite useful as OA and Patellofemoral can be hard sometimes to differentiate.