Study found plantar fasciits was associated with leg length discrepancy and in the longer leg.
J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2010 November-December;100(6):452-455.
Limb-Length Discrepancy as a Cause of Plantar Fasciitis.
Mahmood S, Huffman LK, Harris JG. abstract here
- Association with longer limb was p<0.0001
Comment – best way to check length I have found is to mark hip levels on ultrasound (I have one but one could get US dept to mark) and check length from there. Will have to treat with lift in shorter leg more foten and see if helps…
Podiatrist have long known this; compensation for the longer limb is often by pronating the foot on the ipsilateral side, thus the predisposition for plantar fasciitis.