WCB Report Files

I made a presentation to the Saskatchwan Workmans Compensation Review Panel. Their report left out much of what I had to say so I am putting it here:

1) Case workers make patients worse and obstruct medical care:


One deadly tactic is to force a patient back to work or to inappropriate rehab just to see what will happen. I call it deadly because one of my patients with MRI evidence of a hot disc lesion was forced into inappropriate rehab and died 2 weeks later of his heart condition. I call this tactic “the Shakedown”.


Family physicians must be allowed to administer medical care without interference.


2) In Chronic Pain as little as 10% of cases are diagnosable by conventional examination, CT and MRI. If one wants to make a diagnosis discograms and selective nerve root blocks are necessary but are not made available to patients. hence patients are regularly terminated because “nothing was found”.


3) MRI’s and CT rarely are of use in CHRONIC pain and do not show the source of pain. Yet negative results are used to conclude the patient is faking


4) WCB recruits doctors who have similar outlooks to themselves. Without discograms, selective facet blocks, and selective nerve root blocks, they are not operating on tangible evidence; they are operating on their “feelings” on the matter. As disability ratings vary by over 30% by doctors, these feeling can be very inaccurate. The tragedy legacy of cancer patient pain undertreatment underscores how poorly doctors rate pain levels. Operating on feelings is a scam.


5) Multiple causes of chronic pain are missed by WCB who are supposed to give the patient the benefit of the doubt but do not.


6) Honesty tests like Waddell signs and consistency testing lack “consistency” and are invalid yet still used. They are as valid as witchhunting.

7) Psychological decompensation is to be expected in certain chronic pain conditions but is used to contend it is all in their head…


8) Computer testing for “suitable jobs” does not take into effect many patients have multiple things the matter with them above their main diagnosis and may be socially and otherwise handicapped. A supreme court case in Quebec made it clear handicap had to include ALL problems. There is no evidence counselling someone on a job possibility makes it happen in disabled cases. Canada Disability pension criteria had to be modified to include not just suitable jobs but AVAILABLE and giving sustantive gainful employment – measures ignored by WCB who will terminate cases for any excuse. I call this the “you could be a funeral director” scam.


9) People who don’t get better can be labelled as “Fibromyalgia” even by specialists. This diagnosis cannot be made in the face or injuries and has a very poor consistency record from doctor to doctor in the literature; it cannot be used to terminate benefits where there is doubt.


10) Several legal precedents have been made in the supreme court re WCB:

  • Chronic pain without identifiable cause cannot be treated any different than other patient (Nova Scotia 2001)
  • Chronic pain is a valid WCB claim and recompensable. Supreme court 2005
  • Handicap includes more than just the original injury Supreme court Quebec
  • A worker can refuse rehab s/he deems in inapproppriate without being cut off WCB

In an Alberta WCB Case it was ruled that a patient during appeal had the right to cross examine WCB doctors (who are working on their “feelings”) in the conduct of “natural justice”
11) The AMA Guide for disability is old – made before interventional techniques could more determine the cause of back and neck pains. It does not have ratings for chronic pain and does not take age or occupation into account when determining disability. Various Canadian provinces and for example California have had to make changes to how disability ratings are made; this needs to be legislated in Saskatchewan or will be backward and frankly illegally treat chronic pain patients of underdetermine cause (conveniently made by lack of appropriate testing).

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88 Responses to WCB Report Files

  1. Jim says:

    How is it possible that injured workers are being denied tests that Physicans ask for to diagnose injuries, by case managers who have no medical training. This is the most ass/backwards system that I have ever seen. Injured workers are not being treated fairly. Picture this, you have just suffered a work injury severe enough to require surgery. Your workers compensation agent denies the request for test to determine injury, and then states that your injury is just minor and you need to go back to work and work through the pain as pain in not a indicator of the severity of the injury. This is stupid. Why does the Government allow this to happen. ASK your MLA before you vote in the next election.

    • How is it possible that an orthopedic surgeon writes a BS report that he palipitated / examined you and could find no reason for concern pain; When the orthopedic surgeon didn’t even lay a finger on your body?

      In Saskatchewan you have a bunch of Doctors who could care less about you;


      Mr. Torchewski needed life saving surgery and had to pay for the operation at Mayo Clinic, because the Saskatchewan Health Care system is all about DENIAL;

      • Anonymous says:

        This happened to me during a follow up with surgin I had many questions and concerns And was rudely told I’m all better
        And to get out of his office ..he never examined me but wrote a letter saying I was better

        • I just received a letter from the College of Physicians and Liars; I made several complaints; There reply is totally ridiculous; The College’s MODUS OPERANDI; complicity, collusion, conspiracy is easy to see through, and prove!

          They have made one HUGE mistake; As I am a INVESTIGATOR, and investigate I have done;

          While investigating I found the court case, were the College was requested to investigate a Doctor for sexually abusing a patient. That patient didn’t get JUSTICE though as the College of Liars, buried the complaint and allowed the Doctor to continue his EVIL ways.

          #1; Where were the POLICE, sexual abuse is a crime!

          Granted so many citizens who are abused, will not make a complaint, as fearing retribution, and GOD only knows what will happen when you are desperate for medical care.

          Back to my COMPLAINT, to the College of Liars;

          My specific complaint;
          My MRI was not properly evaluated by radiologist at Saskatoon University Hospital ;

          The College sent my complaint to the same radiologist who again states he can`t see anything?

          Then it was again sent to another radiologist who states he see’s NONE of the things that the Board Certified Radiologist in the USA identified.

          Finally the College sent my MRI out of province to somewhere, (they won’t tell me where as they state there is a privacy issue) and YEA that radiologist see’s some of the problems;

          Of course the College wrote to me and minimized everything, then had the audacity to write me and say they had my previous MRI reviewed and it didn’t show anything.

          So last week I sent that MRI out for 2nd opinion!

          Results; Herniated disc, pushing into the thecal sac;
          Facet disease;

          My complaints to the ortho surgeon were, extreme pain when sitting / walking / standing;

          “Sharp Stabbing Knife Pain” in thoracic from fractures vertebrae, which took 2 years to diagnosis, probably because the doctor was writing to workers compensation I was a malinger faker out to abuse the
          WCB for free money;

          It truly amazes me how far the corruption goes, when there is significant injury with insurance interests;

          Whether it be WCB or SGI;

          I pity anyone who has to live this NIGHTMARE;

          Like the author of this amazing website has stated, claims adjudicators / case managers obstruct patient medical care / timely diagnosis / timely treatment;

          The look on my Doctors face said a hundred thousand words, when WCB denied me requested diagnostic test, operation;

          My injury claim file, contains likely 85,000 pages of ;
          He Said; / She said; / They Said;
          and of course whatever I said doesn’t matter;

          The claim file is filled with total hogwash, deceit, outright falsification of what was said;
          It amazes me how one little word is changed to give a paragraph a whole new meaning, one that attacks the injured worker;

          WCB is a smoke and mirrors organization, just like their, ROAD TO ZERO, what the road to zero really means is;
          denial of claims, zero acceptance.
          denial of medical care, zero treatment.

          I applaud this,” ROAD TO ZERO” campaign.
          But seriously, folks, Saskatchewan is the most dangerous place to work; WHY! Because when you suffer a serious work injury, WCB purposely denies medical care, diagnosis / treatment. Then starves the worker back to work on narcotics, and when further injury results;
          Start all over again, doctors requests are denied, and the patient is ramrodded through a physiotherapy program, all complaints of severe pain are denied investigation;
          Injured worker is crippled, and sentenced to a life of poverty / misery / pain;

      • COPIED FROM:

        withheld@hotmail.com says:

        March 29, 2013 at 5:03 am
        I spent all last week calling various lawyers as my injury claim file with Alberta – WCB proves “Beyond A Shadow Of Doubt” I have been subjected to Medical Malpractice, Malfeasance, Misfeasance, Breach Of Trust, Bad Faith Insurance Tactics, and many more tort law violations, including Violation of my Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

        Each attorney I contacted was asked this question?

        “If I paid your law firm to review my WCB injury claim file and you discovered BAD FAITH INSURANCE TACTICS were used to deny me medical care for my work injury, would you be willing to file a Statement of Claim on my Behalf?”

        I couldn’t find one law firm that would seek a court trial on my behalf!

        Many Lawyers requested $5000 to $20,000 retainer, to challenge the decision that appeal tribunal rendered was unreasonable, but not one attorney would file a statement of claim for BAD FAITH even if it was discovered within the last 2 years. (Statute of Limitations) being the MOST important occurrence.

        As a win in court would allow me to recover Attorney Fees, this was my utmost concern, as I would have to beg, borrow, attain loans to seek JUSTICE,

        It became quite clear after the first 10 lawyers were contacted, there was “NO INTEREST” on the lawyers part in securing me a court decision for BAD FAITH INSURANCE TACTICS which left me crippled.

        What amazed me the most was how attorneys were so eager to take my money, yet were unwilling to seek punitive damages, redress, verdict, from court.

        It became crystal clear, these lawyers were unwilling to fight for JUSTICE on my behalf, for the BAD FAITH used to deny me benefits of medical care, wage replacement by non-medical WCB employees who denied requested medical care from Physicians for work injury.

        I was also informed by lawyer, even if a decision was reached through a trial, WCB would just appeal, and unless I had $500,000+ to go to the Supreme Court of Canada, (which might be denied) I should just forget it!
        How do you forget multiple injuries that are causing severe pain, loss of function, loss of sleep, inability to perform household tasks?

        How do you forget WCB contract doctors, couldn’t be bothered to investigate specific complaints of pain / injury, that have been purposely denied a physical examination?

        How do you forget physicians reports which were BLATANT LIES, to portray you as psychologically damaged, so other doctors, would not investigate your specific complaints?

        TO ALL INJURED / DISABLED by work injury, lets make 2013 a year everyone will never forget!
        To injured alberta worker:
        I had to deal with a badly injured Alberta WCB case. I wrote a very detailed analysis of his problems including pictures and article references. Their case worker dug up one specialist who said it was not a problem; I could only assume this specialist never touched the patient. On that basis, they denied the claim – very obviously not giving my patient the benefit of the doubt – from what I saw they are very one sided and horrible to deal with – I pity you. It would take the wife or good friend of the minister responsible for WCB to be injured for them to be looked at and cleaned out…Lack of medical expertice among most people confronting them make them do anything they want. Their immunity from persecution makes them even more evil from my perspective.

        It certainly makes me sick but I don’t see it getting any better.

      • BJ says:

        Bruce Junker
        To Wayne Dale internet_boardservices@wcbsask.com bwall@mla.legassembly.sk.ca ombreg@ombudsman.sk.ca Today at 11:13 AM
        April 19, 2017

        Attention; All Concerned

        On May 9, 2016 I attended to the WCB Head Office Regina with evidence of Fraud, Forgery, Medical Malpractice,
        used to deny me medical care for my workplace injuries suffered on the job by WCB employees, Contract Doctors, Radiologists, Physiotherapy Consultants.

        I brought with me evidence of over 70 denials of requested medical investigation made on my behalf from treating physicians which were deliberately denied by Non-medical WCB employees / Appeal Tribunal, Board Members Appeal in which falsified claim file evidence was used to deliberately inflict, “TORTURE” further injury, stress, and cause as much pain as possible to deny benefits.

        While @ the WCB Head Office I waited for investigation, the Regina city Police were called to eject me without hearing or viewing my evidence;

        WCB employees did deliberately falsify my claim file information to prevent treatment of my workplace injuries. WCB Non-medical employees did deliberately deny my physician’s requests and warning return to work was unsafe.

        Non-medical and WCB Medical consultant have written to treating specialists with falsified medical information on multiple occasions to deliberately prevent medical investigation / treatment of workplace injuries suffered on the job.

        I have repetitively suffered severe multiple injuries, due to WCB employees deliberate / criminal actions.

        I hereby offer the Saskatchewan WCB Corporation 7 days to hear my complaints if no response is forthcoming, immediate action will be taken:

        Bruce Junker

        • BJ says:

          Sask WCB employees deliberately sent another injured workers Dr.’s report, x-ray report, + Diagnosis to prevent the assessment team from investigating my specific complaint of injury; The assessment team is paid $2000 for a quick 1 hr. review, “No Physical Examination” – No Diagnostic tests – Basically they are paid to go for coffee;
          After suffering severe spinal injuries, which the radiologist wrote MULTIPLE SPINAL FRACTURES possible but debatable, “No Further Investigation is Necessary” – Government paid Radiologists used to falsify diagnostic test results; “NOTHING SURPRISES me anymore…. This Sask Party Government just like the NDP, obviously wants to dip in to the WCB $2 Billion Dollar surplus they have extorted from employers that was to help injured workers with health recovery. NOT Happening…. Here are a few things doctors say about workers compensation, and I TOTALLY AGREE, I lived this NIGHTMARE for almost 15 years;


          What we’ve heard.

          “A vulnerable population is being systematically re-injured. These injured workers end up traumatized by the system designed to help them, not only psychologically but financially, socially and in their family relationships.”

          “I have many patients who are impacted negatively by their involvement with WSIB at a time when they are trying to heal. It is devastating to many that the organization that they believe to be their support becomes their adversary.”

          “My experience has been that most injured workers receive good services from the WSIB. However, I’m concerned that a minority of patients with complex injuries are falling through the cracks and in some cases being mistreated by a system that appears to prioritize cost-cutting over patient outcomes.”
          — PHYSICIAN, GTA

          “I have stopped accepting new WSIB clients due to continual frustrations working with WSIB. Premature return to work against medical and psychological advice, arbitrary termination of sessions, failure to advise regarding acceptance/denial of treatment plan/sessions, patients forced to take programs in Toronto offering treatments I was already providing. I did not want to collaborate with a system that was designed to fail patients.”

          “Inappropriate “work hardening” programs where the effect of pain on physical/mental activity is ignored, hostile, adversarial nurses and adjudicators who deny even the most basic pain care, absurd assessments by physicians and other health professionals who have no understanding of chronic pain management and outright misrepresentation of workers’ problems have been the rule among the people I treat. WSIB personnel behave in an arbitrary fashion and seem unaccountable to anyone. In my practice these are not isolated cases. Rather than facilitate treatment, the WSIB’s behavior seems aimed at inflicting as much distress as possible on these very vulnerable people.”

          “I hate to see injured workers suffer and have to deal with delays and denials, and to have their experiences discounted in their on-going efforts to receive appropriate and timely support. Of course, this is also a huge frustration and deterrent to wanting to work with this population, because as a professional it is really hard and really time consuming to continue to fight!”

          “Too often I have seen injured patients subjected to inhumane treatment by the WSIB machine. Cleverly disguised professionals add their weight to further harm the injured worker. This has to stop.”



          • BJ says:

            Sask WCB Medical Consultant wrote a falsified letter to treating specialist ….. How low will these psychopathic perverts @ WCB go to prevent paying for a single thing?

    • I recently, placed information @ ratemds.com WARNING patients to BEWARE of an ortho surgeon I was sent to for medical help; The owner of the site Ratemds.com has deleted my entry, therefore allowing this doctor to continue abusing and neglecting patients;

      This is very troubling for me, as I fear others in need of medical care, will also be denied their due diagnosis / treatment; In my case, this ortho surgeon filed a fabricated medical report with the Saskatchewan Workers Compensation Board, this is not the first time this has happened to me. I wrote to this ortho surgeon and requested he, recant the lies he wrote, which of course he has refused;

      I have been suffering in severe pain, since my work injury, and have been denied medical care requested on my behalf several times by claims adjudicator at WCB who has broken many tort laws, statutory laws, and has been negligent, possibly criminally negligent for causing me severe injury.

      All communications with government, ministers have received the reply ” We cannot become involved as the workers compensation board is set-up as ARM’S LENGTH from government.”

      Due to information that was discovered in my workers compensation claim file, which clearly documents that my physicians requests, warnings, and documentation was clearly denied to me, as well as documentation by the WCB medical consultant was purposely disregarded, to allow the wcb claims adjudicator to terminate my benefits of medical care, etc. I suffered severe injury which was again denied any investigation. Even though the medical evidence supported the need for further medical investigation, this was also denied, by WCB Board Members @ Appeal Tribunal;

      What bothers me is this, without the proper medical diagnostic tests, there is very little chance that the appropriate treatment, for my work injury which would allow me a health recovery has been denied;

      Therefore allowing INTRACTABLE PAIN to develop which is life threatening, for anyone who has developed this condition, it can be extremely hard if not impossible to be properly diagnosed with this condition in Saskatchewan.

      For anyone who is suffering pain that is very hard to control even with high doses of opioid’s, I suggest you read this article written by, Forrest Tennant; It can be found at the link below;


      I was shocked to find almost everyone of the symptoms he has written about, I have. It was like he was talking about me, and my life, which has been a roller coaster ride to hell, I can only describe, as like being on a run-away-train, that never stops.

      This website has helping me come to terms with my condition, but has also frightened me, as I now know each day may be my last day. Unfortunately, it has been 7+ yrs, since my work injury, and I still have yet to be diagnosed properly. My condition requires an operation, which could possible improve my life, however this operation is not being offered to me, as I am, an injured Saskatchewan worker.

      What really bothers and disturbs me, is although I did everything possible to get help for my injuries, everything which I provided to Doctors, Physiotherapists, workers compensation, about my condition, was belittled, and discarded, without any investigation.

      Furthermore, these people who were paid to help me, failed to investigate or even conduct a physical examination, 5 ortho surgeons / 3 neurosurgeons in Saskatchewan who I made specific complaints to,
      over a 5 yr period, couldn’t be bothered to examine me and all failed to diagnose my reason for severe pain. Due to this, I have developed
      Intractable Pain, which although I know I have, will never ever be diagnosed in this province as there is a cover-up at work in this province to deny timely diagnosis / timely medical care when there is significant injury / insurance interest;

      I pity any injured worker / auto accident claimant who is subjected to this “Culture of Denial System” as the writer of this column has stated, there are certain doctors who the insurance companies use to deny medical care, diagnosis, treatment. I now know that each and everyone who I have been sent to for diagnosis, treatment, have purposely placed stereo-typical medical commentary in my claim file, to further render appropriate diagnosis / treatment unattainable.

      Last week I had my cousin come over to make copies of my MRI’s / CT scan /x-rays to send to medical tourism as there is no question that I will never get help in Saskatchewan. While viewing my copies of the scans / medical report I was shocked and horrified, to find that the last radiologist who viewed my scan, questioned my 2nd spinal injury that of course hasn’t received proper diagnose, and reported a malunited fracture, that is deformed and is one of the causes of my severe pain, disability, loss of function.

      Of course the last ortho surgeon who I had been sent to for help, buried that radiologists report, and sent the workers compensation a falsified and fabricated report that he examined me and could find no reason for concern / pain; (there was no examination, this ortho surgeon didn’t lay a finger on me, PERIOD)

      It is painfully obvious, why this was done to me, and I suspect many others have also had them done to them as well.

      Recently the workers compensation committee of review released their report and findings from their 2011 review / investigation;
      Special ATTENTION, must be given to page #53 – Chapter #12, of the committee’s findings and on page #54, just above recommendation #52, you will find these sentences;

      “Workers are not even provided with the summary document used by the Appeal Tribunal when dealing with their cases even though the 2001 and 2006 Committees of review recommended that this document be made available.”

      Of interest to every injured worker, who has gone to an Appeal, I have been told, that this summary document prepared by Board Services, which is given to the Appeal Tribunal, which is used to adjudicate the injured workers claim / appeal, is NEVER made available to the injured worker, because this summary document contains false information and fabricated medical reports used to deny injured workers appeal claims.

      I contacted Board Services at the Saskatchewan Workers Compensation Board to get a copy of my appeal summary document which was used to deny my appeal and was denied a copy;

      For a non-profit corporation set-up to help injured workers, with their health recovery from a work injury / accident, one must question
      WHY? they have refused to release this document, and is very suspicious and adversarial in nature.

      Peace Out;

      • UPDATE; With the help of a solicitor, I finally received the summary documents used bu Board Members Tribunal @ Saskatchewan WCB;

        What I found is that WCB employees have entered falsified medical information and fictitious information into the summary document which was prepared for my Board Members Appeal hearing. Now I know why WCB purposely denied me a copy of these summary documents, used by Board Tribunal who adjudicated my appeal.

        How is a person supposed to have a fair appeal, when falsified information is placed into summary documents which used by appeal tribunal and you are denied disclosure?

        Furthermore, throughout my injury claim file, WCB employees have purposely entered falsified information, which never happened, so that they could label me as non-compliant.

        WCB employees have purposely falsified information, and I now have PROOF beyond a shadow of doubt.

      • How is it possible, Medical Tourism states I require $25,000 surgery. Saskatchewan doctors state “No identified reason for pain” after sending my MRI scan for 2nd opinion; ( Double Board Certified radiologist states; 2 herniated disc’s – 2 annular disc tears – spinal stenosis – facet injuries; multiple endplate fractures; etc; YET radiologist here in Saskatchewan states no pathology to identify source of pain?

        After watching Youtube Video’s;
        WCBullets in the mail Part1 to Part 30+


        I learned Saskatchewan WCB has deliberately been screwing injured workers since early 1976; Obviously, they have learned every dirty trick in the book to deny injured workers any chance of a health recovery; The injured worker in the video “Dave” states injured workers in severe pain are talking about suicide? “DAVE states its not suicide, its deliberate MURDER:

        I would have to agree with “Dave” as WCB deliberately tortures injured workers with denials of medical care, therefore MURDERING them, how long can a vulnerable injured worker sustain the mental bashing from WCB employees Sylvia Tarasoff Scharback and Chris Drobot who blatantly are EVIL. PSYCHOPATHIC individuals, Or what would YOU call a person who deliberately MURDERS a vulnerable injured worker with DENIALS of physician requested medical specialist appointments and operations for work injuries?

        I can ONLY hope in my lifetime, these WCB employees will answer for their crimes against Injured Workers’.
        From admin:
        Just got back from “Painweek” in the Las Vegas. It is pretty clear now that much sciatic like pain actually comes from “radiculitis” – a chemical irritation of nerve root by an inflamed disc rather than from direct pressure. Hence MRI will be unable to ascertain pain. Anyone using MRI evidence as proof of lack of pain needs to be stripped of his/her case load and had all her/his cases reassessed by as neutral 3rd party. I have written several articles on how MRI’s fail to show pain (search MRI). That is really a scam and is now pretty straightforward that the radiologist cannot be useful in much chronic pain. If you have in writing that you cannot have problems because your MRI is negative please scan it in for us to see!

        • “JLS REPORT”
          WCB employees paid to commit fraud.
          Jul 24, 2010
          WCB employees paid to commit fraud.
          For most Canadians it would come as a big shock to find that the government(s) runs organizations like the Workers Compensation Board for the sole objective of cost reduction for big business, with itself as one of the largest employers taking full advantage of the conflict of interest.
          The Federal Government instituted the Meredith Principle as law into Canada approximately 80 years ago. Today, even though the Federal Government passed on authority to manage Workers Compensation to the provinces, it remains itself one of the greatest benefactors of the new perverted version of Workers Compensation.
          Today there is hardly a trace left of the principals set out by Chief Justice of Ontario, Sir William Meredith. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they have taken this legislation, turned it inside out to become a one way street to ensure injured workers have no rights at all. Workers Compensations today uses its own kangaroo courts to insure every right injured worker had are decimated.
          The four parts of the principles set out by Chief Justice of Ontario, Sir William Meredith are that employers bear the direct cost of compensation, receiving protection from lawsuits arising from injuries; workers give up the right to sue their employers and receive compensation benefits at no cost for work-related injuries; negligence and fault for the cause of injury are not considerations; and a system administered by a neutral agency would have exclusive jurisdiction over all matters arising out of the enabling legislation. This neutral agency became the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB).
          Today before an injured worker even gets to where they are allowed to ask the Supreme Court for justice, every appeal in the WCB kangaroo courts must be exhausted, one thing is certain, that by the time injured workers are entitled to ask for justice, the injured worker will be either dead, or dead broke. The time that passes can easily take up to or exceed a decade of abuse, a psychological, and financial bashing that is unparallel in any other form of law today.
          Nearly every lawyer today rejects claims for the following reasons, first that WCB law does not comply or need to comply with the standards of our real courts of law. The second is that it’s a complete waste of a lawyers time, and clients money, there is no chance of winning. There is however the odd exception to the rule, and that’s what is thrown if the face of every critic of the WCB.
          One lawyer wrote to the BC Bar asking for someone willing to take on a case where fighting WCB was like having gone into an Alice in Wonderland form of judicial law. The complete absence of any resemblance to law whatsoever, where WCB makes up and changes the rules, ignores its own rules, and imposes a twisted versions of rules on any lawyer foolish enough to stand up for injured workers.
          In a nutshell WCB does the following, in about 90% or more of all of its claims it pays in full with no complaints, these consist of everything from a sliver of wood in the hand to minor cuts and bruises. All those minor claims are WCB’s claim to fame that they are doing their job and doing it well.
          Now on the other hand, injuries like Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome or other debilitating injuries that last for decades, or even for life, those are the costly claims, and are also the claims WCB has no hesitation to spend a million dollars to insure a claimant will not set a president by getting what is owed to him/her.
          The crux of the matter lies in long term and permanently injured workers, everything else WCB talks about is smoke shows to divert the public from the real truth.
          Well if what I am about to say might offend you, too bad, we as a society need to wake up, grow up, and take some responsibility for the mess we have allowed to exist in our country. It’s your fault we are in this mess because you and your neighbor never spoke up when someone you knew got shafted by the WCB.
          My fellow Canadians, you are a bunch of idiots if you think, we as a society can gain dignity abroad fighting the Muslims in Afghanistan while on the home front we treat our injured workers as bad as the Taliban treat their women.
          Let me say this, do you think the same idiots who designed WCB, will actually make an exception for our permanently disabled veterans? If you do you better crawl back under the rock you have been hiding under. Do some research; they are already being tossed to skid row.
          Pardon me for not doing the “heel toe dosey doe” for the Liberal in Alberta who was honest enough to tell the story about how the WCB employees get paid to screw injured workers over.
          Pardon the blunt language but common courtesy in the past and present, has meant inhuman treatment for fellow injured workers to a society too busy with their own self preservation to do anything about it.
          Is there not some bitter irony that this story exposed by the Liberal Party in Alberta comes hot on the heals of the Patrick Clayton story. Will someone wake up before we have to nominate Patrick Clayton as the only man willing to stand up and tell the truth about what is going on inside the Workers Compensation system, not only in Alberta, but all of Canada? Sorry make that two people in Alberta now, let’s not forget Hugh MacDonald.
          Well it was good of the Alberta Liberals to expose this crime, only the Liberals should have said that Patrick Clayton indeed had little options left and the path he chose and may have been for him the only option he could find left. This admission by the Alberta Liberals also gives powerful credibility to the claims made by Patrick Clayton and that indeed all he really wanted was to find a way to expose this story, he was a first hand witness, he was a victim of crime.
          Ask any injured worker who has tried to tell their story to the press, and found they were just banging their head against a brick wall. Patrick Clayton was right in regards to the fact it was the only way people would listen to what he had to say.
          The second issue is, where is the call for a police investigation into this crime, and while they are at it, they can find this crime duplicated in each and every province and territory in Canada? It’s a Pandora’s box that nobody has guts enough to take on because to do so would jeopardize a relationship with big business and industry, not to mention the cost of having government employees.
          Now I also have to ask what gives with the names of our political parties. Has anyone besides me noticed that when it comes to shafting injured workers, all three major party names are very big on the list of making promises to treat injured workers fairly, then in return you might well have urinated down their throats if your actions could speak for you.
          Take for example in British Columbia the Liberal Party had one member in particular who really road the band wagon of justice for injured workers. Do you know what the Liberals did once elected? After all once you defeat the existing government, what else can you do to put the truth about WCB back into hiding?
          The Liberals did what they all do in every province when the WCB’s looking like the criminals they really are; they had a review, and guess who represented the big business in this review?
          Well it was none other than Allen Hunt, and guess who the Liberals hired to implement the findings of that review?
          Well to bad you can’t have Charles Manson as head of your justice committee, using your logic it would have made very good sense.
          Isn’t it amazing when you have a government that hires one of two disputing parties to write the new rules, insanity obviously is hitting new heights and to this day no one has had balls enough to do anything about it?
          Look again at the words in the Meredith Principle Agreement and try find any form of neutral party in the name Allen Hunt.
          Oh, by the way, check up and find out if Allen Hunt is even a Canadian, he was not at the time our governments hired him. And pray what the hell were the Liberals in British Columbia thinking when they hired an American to re-write Canadian Law?
          The citizens of Canada got what we paid for, it’s called “Screwed” and corporations all across Canada were laughing all the way to the bank. Its not just Canadian corporations, the vast benefactor of these new WCB policies befit foreign investors even more, as today the vast majority of big business is majority owned outside of Canada.
          So then we must ask, what the hell is a Liberal? Not that they are better or worse than the NDP or Conservatives, they are all a bunch of liars who will say anything to get elected, and then my mind asks me if Patrick Clayton, did or did not have alternative options.
          There simply is not enough space here to post the crimes each party has committed against the permanently disabled injured workers. Each and every party n power has a long standing legacy of balancing its books on the backs of injured workers.
          Ask yourself this, when the government and the WCB does not have to follow the law, should the citizens of Canada be required to? Would you still condemn Patrick Clayton if you understood what he was up against? It is still against the law to endorse crime so we won’t go there.
          Please don’t answer that, instead lets hammer those responsible for this mess and have them tossed out of their offices, without their lucrative pensions as penalty for the crimes they committed against fellow Canadians.
          Seriously just how corrupt can our WCB Boards get before someone will say enough is enough?
          Why does government continue to balance its books on the backs of the disabled?
          Why do those working to screw injured workers over have such mind boggling pension plans paid for with injured workers blood?
          Time For a Reality Check
          Injured workers are being told on a daily basis for decades now that if the adjudicator cannot see pain, there is no claim. Blatantly adjudicators have said directly to the face of injured workers, “we have unlimited resources, we don’t care if you try seek litigation”.
          Nearly every injured worker has been sneered at with the following comment, “Workers Compensation is not required to pay for pain, and it pays only for lost wages”. Now we know they don’t pay for either pain or lost wages.
          We see instances where adjudicators have bragged to employers that they have a ZERO track record for anyone staying on WCB benefits, then being promoted by coincidence for their outstanding achievements.
          We have thousands of cases in Canada where Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome is being denied after having been classified as fakes by people who subcontract for WCB as physical therapists. The irony is that these people were already certified as suffering from Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome by licensed doctors, or in some cases expert medical doctors whom are specialists in the field.
          The way injured workers with CRPS are being treated today makes a joke out of the Supreme Court ruling on that very same topic.
          A history of DENIAL by compensation boards regardless of medical evidence proving injured workers were honest in regards to their medical history. Yet the Workers Compensation will spend hundreds of thousands of injured workers dollars to show the rare case of a fraud claimant.
          The reality is that for every fraud claimant, there are about 1000 frauds committed against injured workers.
          The WCB Boards have hired in nearly every serious injured worker claim, a spy to watch and video or document injured workers movements, regardless of the traumatic impact this type of investigation has on honest, and law abiding citizens of Canada, even if there is evidence that investigators fabricate evidence, they continue to be rehired.
          WCB Boards have a history of hiring or refusing to rehire private investigators, rehab consultants, or any persons dealing with reporting on the condition of the victim if they do not end up getting cost reduction.
          Nearly in every case where WCB contracts out work, the work entails a form of denial of claim, and its not a secret this business of denial is one of the most lucrative startup business today.
          Hiring drop out doctors from med school to find in favor of reduction of cost of claims, period, and to heck with the real truth, they are the backbone of WCB’s medical review panels.
          WCB to this day refuses injured workers the right to have a witness present when their own privately hired doctors do the assessment to determine permanent injury. They have the right to refuse not only the witness but the obligation to pay injured workers for their injury as forfeited by the injured worker for refusing to be examined if you refuse to be examined in the presence of a witness.
          The very AMA Guide they use states clearly the rules for using that information, yet WCB allows these doctors to violate those very rules in order to reduce WCB costs.
          The doctors they use are the same ones used to fight injury claims in auto accidents, so as a doctor, their job is to make a liar out of the injured worker, to negate the claims of injury are the objective of these doctors who defy the oath made by doctors to protect and serve their patients best interests.
          The Hippocratic Oath is one of the oldest binding documents in history. Written in antiquity, its principles are held sacred by doctors to this day, however these doctors are paid to slander what other doctors gave diagnosed, to refute the true extent of an injury.
          Ask yourself how the actions of these doctors are not the most flagrant violation of the Meredith Agreement, and it flies in the face of everything that legitimized the Workers Compensation System in the first place. Refer to the Meredith Principal.
          In British Columbia the Workers Compensation Board writes letters to injured workers doctors, demanding that in order to get paid; they must conform to rules that are withheld from the public, a form of extortion that makes doctors afraid to write anything supportive of injured workers claims.
          Doctor’s behaviors after receiving these letters is 180 degree shift in attitude towards their patients, they absolutely refuse to write anything that can be used in a courtroom to prove an injured workers claim. Some specialists will only agree to see you if you agree not to use their findings in a courtroom.
          Regardless of how honest injured workers are, WCB adjudicators are notorious for using the “laughing in your face” tactic to elicit a reaction out of you that could be used to terminate your benefits. Another common tactic injured workers must endure is the comments “your just too lazy to return to work” again to elicit a violent reaction they can use against the injured worker.
          Instances of where adjudicators are suggesting patients (injured workers) use opiod drugs to be able to return to work, that despite the danger it poses to both injured workers and fellow workers.
          Instances where adjudicators refuse to follow the advice by a patient’s doctor, to be referred to a specialist, and then the patient is also not allowed under WCB regulation to sue for the consequential injuries.
          The WCB refuse to be responsible for any injuries that occur as a result of an injury. Example is when you have one leg that is unstable or a head injury that causes a loss of balance, the injury that occurs due to a fall is not recognized by WCB.
          The WCB also like to use a chart to determine what they owe injured workers; however the very first statement in that chart says that the contents are not to be used to evaluate the disability of injured workers. I refer to the AMA charts that are being used (abused) systematically with only one objective in mind, ironically they never use the words to deny a claim, and they use the politically correct version of “cost reduction.”
          Let me stop here, because if any investigation needs my help I can over them about 20 pages of abuse by WCB without ever having to repeat myself. Look up Workers Compensation on CBC or CTV and read the comments left by hundreds if not thousands of Canadians who have been burned by none other than their own government, because they had an accident at work. A crime they must pay for by living in poverty for the rest of their lives.
          In closing I would like to thank Hugh MacDonald for having been honest enough to step forward with some truth in regards to the WCB. Canada is in need of more honest men and women with the courage to stand up for truth, even if it’s more cost effective to shut up and hide as most politicians do.
          As for evidence to back up what I have said, I have a box that weighs over 80lbs of paper, video tapes, audio tapes, legal documents to back up everything said in this article and would be happy to hand it over to any lawyer with the integrity and courage to fight this abuse.
          As for the common Canadian citizen, please have the courage to stand up and tell these political hacks to their face that their days of abuse need to end…..immediately or face the fury of the electorate.
          Fight for people who have been treated worse that the victims of abuse overseas that we claim to be fighting to liberate. Fight to liberate our injured workers from a lifetime of poverty and verbal abuse from both WCB and the governments who allow them to abuse disabled injured workers.
          The RCMP should put locks on the WCB offices until a complete investigation is done into the behavior of all WCB employees, likewise no unions should be allowed to negotiate excuses for crimes committed against WCB victims.
          Dereliction of duty charges should be laid in the case of every upper level management position found to be supporting the current corrupt WCB system. Criminal charges should be brought against every person who willingly and knowingly reduced or removed injured workers benefits.
          Charges of deliberate psychological abuse charges should be laid against all adjudicators who have verbally abused their position to reduce costs for the WCB.
          Finally all charges against Patrick Clayton be placed on hold until the investigation into the WCB is completed, in the mean time Patrick Clayton needs to be sent to a rehabilitation center and compensated for the abuse committed against him. If in fact the WCB is found to be guilty, all charges against Patrick Clayton should be dismissed.
          JLS ……For What It’s Worth



            Significant injury with insurance interests; Very significant financial loss! Especially if you have a closed head injury, or spinal injury!

            WCB is Medical Legal Insurance Fraud – Racketeering; Deliberately designed to deny severely injured workers any chance of a HEALTH RECOVERY or anything that costs more than 50 cents;

            Government Organized CORRUPTION;
            Communist /Marxist / Leninist eugenics program to MURDER you when you cannot work and pay taxes;

    • I recently sent MRI scan for second opinion to a USA Board Certified radiologist;
      The radiologist at University Hospital Saskatoon states no reason for pain/concern; No documentation of anything wrong; Nothing to see?
      Results; 2 pages of detailed information documenting multiple injuries suffered from work place injury;
      How is a injured worker supposed to get help when the radiologist cannot read an MRI or was it purposely misread due to being a Saskatchewan
      Injured Worker?

    • Here I lay with a shattered spine,

      denied diagnose / treatment for the 100th time,

      1 doctor, 2 doctors, 3 and then 4, my specific complaints all ignored,

      1 Hospital, 2 Hospitals, 3 and then 4, are there any real doctors around here anymore,

      My request for MRI, to diagnose the injury, the reason for pain,

      Is met with denial and denial again,

      3 years pass in the blink of an eye,

      No CT scan or MRI;

      Finally in pain an MRI is ordered,

      but not for spine,

      just for my shoulder,

      the ortho surgeon requests funds 4 surgery

      but this is denied by WCB.

      I am told once the surgery for shoulder is done,

      My back pain will disappear, it will be gone,

      Then I’m labelled a malingering faker behind my back,

      From a doctor whose obviously a boneheaded quack,

      I beg for help as I’m in severe pain,

      but bottles and bottles of pills, are given again,

      a new doctor states he’s already been warned,

      so no tests are ordered, and I’m shown the door,

      Another assessment paid by WCB,

      4 doctors opinion just more physiotherapy,

      I’m given exercises and stretches to due,

      A Psych evaluation comes out of the blue.

      In physiotherapy my back starts to spasm,

      electric shocks and pain you cannot fathom,

      a new doctor orders a x-ray at last,

      and diagnoses my broken back,

      Then a MRI is finally given,

      followed by a retired neurosurgeon for opinion,

      10 recommendations he made for rehabilitation,

      Denied everything with WCB legislation,

      My injury claim closed, benefits terminated,

      Multiple complaints of severe pain not investigated.

      3 more years pass in the blink of an eye,

      my specific complaints are all denied,

      At last, I receive a physical examination,

      My complaint of pain is investigated,

      Oh here is the problem, which was missed,

      another spinal injury, the doctor insists.

      That’s 3 years ago, when I finally received,

      a proper diagnosis of my work injury,

      But here I lay with a shattered spine,

      denied medical care by WCB every time.


      That’s pretty good but so sad…

      • What’s even sadder is that our Government is in on the “Corruption” and NOBODY, will investigate the absolute Criminal Actions of non-medical workers compensation employees. My injury claim is “PROOF” beyond a shadow of doubt, “The Historic Meredith Principle” has been “SHOT DEAD” -Bullet to the Brain; so to speak; What started out as a “good idea” way back when 80 years ago, is so far from reality now, it boggles the mind to think how criminals are running this country.

        Canadian Politicians are all a bunch of Hypocrite’s, who will do or say anything to secure a lucrative pension and whatever else they can scam from Canadians.

        After reading the JLS report, it is GLARINGLY APPARENT, I will never get medical treatment for my work injury, I will never have a chance to reach maximum medical improvement.

        As long as the Canadian Government, Harper and Brad Wall are concerned, Injured / Disabled workers are “worthless” and are to be treated with less respect than a animal;

        Read the JLS’ Report;(Workers Compensation employees paid to commit fraud)


        Like the MLA in Alberta said; Nothing will change, until Injured Workers start exacting vengeance;

        noun: vengeance
        Punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.

        With so any criminals within the WCB system, where does a person start?


      Forget about being treated fairly by WCB, and expect to be denied timely diagnosis / timely medical care by physicians who have sold their oath to WCB for their thirty pieces of silver.

      Ever wonder WHY Saskatchewan WCB does not release appeal info on Can LII
      like other provinces? (I suspect this is done to prevent other injured workers from discovery of how CORRUPT, and hostile case managers are to Saskatchewan Injured Workers.

      EXPECT to be lied to, and denied your physicians requests for medical care, and remember, WCB will purposely try to frustrate you, and starve you back to work, injured – undiagnosed, in severe pain on narcotics.

      BEWARE, you will be sent to WCB Contract Doctors who won`t order proper diagnostic testing or even conduct a proper physical examination
      to investigate the reason for severe pain. WCB has doctors on their payroll in Regina / Saskatoon who are used purposely to terminate injured workers from benefits. Even though Medical Malpractice / Breach of Duty of Care / Breach of Trust / Bad Faith / Breach of Fiduciary Duty / Negligence / Criminal Negligence causing bodily harm can be identified; It is impossible to have these occurrences investigated. Our Sask Party Government, Brad Wall – Minister Morgan – RCMP – City Police, will not investigate any complaint;

      Saskatchewan Injured Workers are forced into appeals without full disclosure of claim file, this is purposely done to DENY claims, Deny benefits of medical care, wage replacement.

      WCB in Saskatchewan will do or say anything to deny expensive benefits;

      The WCB medical adviser has stated, multiple fractures DO NOT require any treatment, even though the injured worker has constantly complained of severe pain from fractures, and medical tourism has stated these fractures require surgery, if any health recovery is to be reached.

      With over a 1000 WCB appeals waiting to be heard from injured workers denied medical care, benefits for work injuries, more and more appeals are being registered daily as WCB is constantly slashing benefits from injured workers with permanent function-able impairments. These severely injured workers have not been able to return to their previous occupations, due to impairment, WCB won’t offer retraining, for a career these individuals can accomplish due to their disability. WCB even states they can find jobs they cannot perform or do not have any training to qualify for employment for the job.

      Saskatchewan Injured Workers are forced onto welfare or Canada pension,
      even though medical care would allow return to work, and a return to function.
      However these seriously injured workers are denied medical care, diagnosis – treatment and made to live in PAIN – POVERTY – MISERY;

    • JUSTICE; says:

      Canadian Injuries Workers for Workers’ Compensation;
      Areas of Class Action;
      Breach of Fiduciary Duty – Breach of Trust – Bad Faith;
      Malfeasance – Misfeasance – Negligence;
      Breach of Duty Care – Standard of Care;
      Fraud – Fraudulent Concealment – Misrepresentation of Material Fact;
      Multiple Violations – Canadian Criminal Code;
      Infringement / Violation of Canadian Charter – Rights / Freedoms;
      Wilful – Wanton Misconduct;
      Email to; wcbclassaction@fastmail.fm
      please place lawsuit in heading to prevent spam;

    • Saskatchewan WCB are LIARS!
      Especially claims adjuster *****, this *** needs to be held criminally responsible for Assault causing bodily harm. Her playing doctor days are over and none too soon: At ever turn this F/K –ing witch: Deliberately with wilful and wanton negligence crippled me: Just remember ***, What comes around goes around…..and your day is fast approaching:
      Now the rest of you LIARS at WCB: Are about to be EXPOSED! You Bastards have ruined to many injured workers lives to get off scot free…

    • Anonymous says:

      Without going into my life story, I will try to sum up my experience’s with Saskatchewan WCB: I was injured on the job, my physician placed me into physiotherapy. The physiotherapy program went like this; I arrived to watch the physiotherapists all sitting around a table reading the Star-Phoenix: I was out in the GYM in distress, suffering horribly. Treatments such as ultrasound, tens, were denied to me yet stated I received in my file. My specific complaints were chucked into a waste basket, denied treatment. I made huge efforts, which increased severe unrelenting pain from my undiagnosed INJURIES:
      I watched the physiotherapists reading the paper, eating donuts, drinking coffee. I thought they were supposed to help me with my work injury recovery, unknown to me, they were just wasting time until the program ended. As for the psychologist, she was a wing-nut, the things she stated to me were unbelievable, I always left her office feeling worse than when I entered;
      I could hardly believe the information in the WCB file when I finally received it, of course WCB delayed, and delayed, and delayed, sending me my file. Thank GOD I have witnesses to what really happened, because without my witnesses I would be sunk. WCB employees are blatant LIARS; Most physiotherapy employees are sell-outs, just there to collect a paycheck, not really interested in helping the injured worker; ( In fact I would bet they intentionally try to harm injured workers ) Just remember people, these individuals who try to harm you, can be held accountable: Like the fellow at the end of this long column states; TEXAS JUSTICE:
      I just finished reading on another website, about how the injured worker showed up at the WCB home, and straightened out the problems they were having; I say, Due unto others; The way they due unto you; EYE 4 an EYE;
      Dear injured worker,
      You have sufferred horribly at the hands of some uncaring individuals but please do not let them win. Your anger is describing a syndrome called perceived injustice – anger over not being well treated. this has recently been put into a scale:
      The Role of Perceived Injustice in the Experience of Chronic Pain
      and Disability: Scale Development and Validation
      Michael J. L. Sullivan et al. J Occup Rehabil 2008
      The statements in it go as follows:
      I am suffering because of someone else’s negligence.
      It all seems so unfair.
      Nothing will ever make up for what I have gone through.
      I feel as if I have been robbed of something very precious.
      I am troubled by fears that I may never achieve my dreams.
      I can’t believe this has happened to me.
      Most people don’t understand how severe my condition is.
      My life will never be the same.
      No one should have to live this way.
      I just want my life back.
      I feel that this has affected me in a permanent way.
      I worry that my condition is not being taken seriously.

      I heard a story this past week about an older lady that was busy with some community work – got mad at the organization, quit, and then started to do nothing. She then rapidly deteriorated mentally. Not a great plan in hindsight…

      The injustices you have had to deal with you have poisoned you with anger and that will only make you worse. As long as it poisons you, the chance you have of pain remitting is less.

      Consider: Never account to maliciousness what can be explained by stupidity. Physios are now taught that giving “passive modalities” like massage and electrical stim can make patients dependent on them and only make things worse. It would seem that making someone better would get them more mobile, at least temporarily, which will get them going more physically. Mind you, they can then flare more badly so you never know…

      I have found meditation (and maybe Tai Chi if you are fit enough)helps heal your mind and Mindfulness (body and surroundings awareness) and Tong Len loving kindness (a practice of projecting goodwill on to others) helpful. It gets your mind off yourself and helps bygones be bygones… – not an easy ticket. The psychologist sounds poorly trained – remember stupidity could account for it…
      All the best

    • The Saskatchewan Coalition of Walking Wounded is requested all Injured / Disabled by Workplace Injury to “Rally” @ “Committee of Review” in their respective location;

      We will be onsite with “BANNERS” / “SIGNS” in Protest of the
      “Medical Insurance Fraud = Racketeering” WCB uses to destroy
      Injured Workers and Family Lives;

      We will also be present taking names and qualifying Injured / Disabled Workers for WCB Class Action Lawsuit;

      • http://www.kijiji.ca/v-financial-legal/saskatoon/rally-to-stop-wcb-medical-insurance-fraud-racketeering/1063603680

        *Are you a Victim of WCB Medical Insurance Fraud = Racketeering*

        To Attend; WCB Committee of Review Meetings – 2015 ;
        Let’s PREPARE our PROOF, WCB Employees are Psychopathic Predators who deliberately LIE and DENY medical care and violate the Canadian Criminal Code, which allow WCB to “Contains Costs” to protect their $1.9 Billion Dollar Investment portfolio.

        Workers’ Compensation Act Committee of Review – 2015

        The Workers’ Compensation Act – Committee of Review (COR) provides a forum for people and organizations to recount their experiences with the workers’ compensation program and make suggestions on improvements or reform of The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013, the regulations and the administration of the Act and regulations.

        Public involvement is critical to the success of this review. Individuals or organizations are invited to share their opinions, concerns or experiences with the Workers’ Compensation system either through written submissions or by attending a public hearing.

        Please note: the COR is not able to make changes to individual WCB claims. If you would like assistance with your WCB claim or appeal, please contact the Office of the Workers’ Advocate toll free at 1.855.868.0960.

        1. Public Hearings
        2. Written Submissions
        3. Information about COR

        1. Public Hearings

        Public hearings have now been scheduled as part of the current review of Saskatchewan’s Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013. Dates and locations can be found in the table below. This page will be updated if any change in times or locations occur.

        Location Address Date Time
        Saskatoon Radisson Hotel
        405 20th Street East October 19 & 20, 2015
        9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

        North Battleford Don Ross Community and Cultural Centre
        891 99th Street October 21, 2015 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
        Prince Albert Best Western Marquis Inn & Suites October 22, 2015 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

        Yorkton Holiday Inn Express Yorkton East
        63 7th Avenue North October 23, 2015 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

        Regina Executive Royal Hotel
        4025 Albert Street November 9 & 16, 2015 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

        Swift Current Home Inn & Suites
        1411 Battleford Trail East November 10, 2015 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

        Estevan Days Inn
        1305 9th Street November 17, 2015 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

        If you would like to attend one of the following public hearings, please contact the Committee of Review to RSVP for the dates you would like to attend.

        Phone: 306.798.0227
        Email: cor@gov.sk.ca

        Mail: Workers’ Compensation Act – Committee of Review
        400 – 1870 Albert Street
        REGINA SK S4P 4W1

    • Glenn says:

      Hey I’m going through it was hurt 6 1\2 yrs ago. Neck and back strain and spran . but after 2weeks back to work . only Dr seen gave me pills told me to go home and rest, But wcb and hr reps. Are smarter than the Dr. That’s just common knowledge.

  2. mike says:

    I couldnt agree with you more as i have suffered in chronic pain for ten years. wonder wehn wcb is going ot change policy to accept chronic pain as we are the last prvince i belive after the supreme court ruling. maybe have to do like that girl in alberta and sue.

  3. Brue says:

    I agree totally with the above statements as a injured worker in Saskatchewan I have been subjected to abusive case manager who is basically practicing medicine without a licence. I suffered a severe injury,
    and was sent back to work with a undiagnosed fractured vertebrae/ shoulder injury/tailbone injury. I was prescribed bottles and bottles of 120- T3’s
    and told to work through the pain. Being the sole provider of my family of 4, I had no choice as my family and I would have been homeless almost immediately. Upon returning to work I was in severe pain, the physican who was treating me didn’t even order a x-ray or F/A. Pills, Pills, Pills.
    was what he beleived in. (I’m not sure but I think the Doc gets paid by the amount of prescriptions they write.) Regardless, the Doc wanted me back in physiotherapy, DENIED by WCB case manager. Again was told no reason for my pain. WCB Sask is a insurance co. that minimizes your injury, if a Doc requests tests to determine your injury this is blantly DENIED. WCB is a ASS/Backwards company which clearly only cares for profits and couldn’t give a shit about injured workers. Due to the treatment
    (Should be lack of treatment) I am in chronic pain and WCB physicans are employed to say there’s no reason for pain. These are my injuries.
    2- 1/2 yrs to get a mri to diagnose shoulder injury, due to WCB interference with my injury claim. 1 – 1/2 years to get a mri for my undiagnosed fractured vertebrae that my case manager at wcb stated there was no reason for pain, and sent me back to work. However the fracture which was causing pain was never investigated, a team of specialists which I pleaded for diagnostic tests too investigate my pain stated I just needed physiotherapy. (Paid $2000 to come to this conclusion) WCB contract Doctors. I will take no more BS from the WCB cronies and am prepared to fight in court and will be filing multiple lawsuits
    immediately. Due to the BS from useless crooks.

    • dum ta dum ta da…..you wcb employees should run and hide because your corruption is about to be exposed…

      “`we don`t care if you have pain“

      which means if you had a nail stuck in your hands and feet like jesus christ did,,,you could still go to work,,,

      or better

      i`ll pay for your narcotics so that your extreme chronic pain from your multiple undiagnosed spinal injuries won`t receive any treatment from Dr. ****
      no wait,,,when we get a report that supports an injured worker we will send you to **** so he can drive the last nail in your coffin so you will never get any treatment for your spinal injuries;

      WCB employees need to burn in hell for their hate crimes against injured and disabled workers;

      just like *** who couldn`t diagnose a case of gangrene. so got a retirement job working for Saskatchewan WCB

  4. brue says:

    For some reason I have been unable to access the information under the headlines until now, I have serious problems with the way WCB has treated me and my injuries, these entries made by this medical doctor prove, conclusively, what sick and injured citizens in Saskatchewan and Canada are subject to. This must change ASAP.
    The writer of these articles has provided a glimpse of what is happening. People with or without vast sums of money are subject to unbelievable disadvantage in having their injury or disease diagnosed. Secondary Traumatization of injured workers is occurring at an alarming rate. Discrimination in this system is very frequent. Physiotherapy Centers are bending to WCB instructions even if they do not believe it is in their patient’s best interest, they pressure injured workers without fear of lawsuit due to Government Legislation and some, could care less if they cause further injury to the patient. My recommendations for rehabilitation by a neurosurgeon were basically laughed at by WCB and I was progressed without proper diagnoses which propelled me in a downward spiral that took many months to recover to my previous level of pain. I am a chronic pain suffer due to a work injury, my treatment (should be lack of treatment is deplorable) I wish everyone who reads this to accept my apology for my language in previous posts at this site. I was in tremendous pain and was tiring of my fight with everyone to obtain relief; This has finally been accomplished somewhat, through medical intervention and treatment for my 2004 work injury. Why it took 3 ½ yrs. Is a question that only can be synopsized by 3 words: WCB or (delay, deny, defend.) I truly hope for future improvement of my condition, as due to recent diagnoses treatment has begun. I sincerely applaud the writer of these articles as they demonstrate what Physicians and Injured and Sick Citizens of not only Canada but other nations face.
    To the writer of this article: God Bless You, for your candid and informative article that reveals the tragedy of what has been allowed to happen to all in society. Please contact me at my email address as I wish to pay special homage and wish your guidance.

  5. Check out the website, http://www.ciws.ca/
    This is the undisputed, disabled workers headquarters in Canada which genuinely shows the exploitation of Power and Trust, Workers Compensation Boards blatantly perpetuate on defenseless disabled workers, who have suffered a work injury and are subjected to an insane corrupt power and money hungry organization that refuses to protect or administer the Meredith Principle that the Workers Compensation System in Canada was founded on.

  6. I have serious problems with the way WCB has treated me and my injuries, these entries made by this medical doctor prove, conclusively, what sick and injured citizens in Saskatchewan and Canada are subject to.
    The writer of these articles has provided a glimpse of what is happening. People with or without vast sums of money are subject to unbelievable disadvantage in having their injury or disease diagnosed. Secondary Traumatization of injured workers is occurring at an alarming rate. Discrimination in this system is very frequent. Physiotherapy Centers are bending to WCB instructions even if they do not believe it is in their patient’s best interest, they pressure injured workers without fear of lawsuit due to Government Legislation and could care less if they cause further injury to the patient. My recommendations for rehabilitation by a neurosurgeon were basically laughed at by SASK WCB and I was progressed without proper diagnoses which propelled me in a downward spiral that took many months to recover to my previous level of pain. I am in chronic pain due to a work injury, my treatment (should be lack of treatment is deplorable) I sincerely applaud the writer of these articles as they demonstrate how Injured and Sick Citizens are subjected to an insane power and money hungry organization that refuses to follow the Meredith Principle that workers compensation boards were founded on, and have used legislation to deny disabled injured workers help.
    God Bless You, for your candid and informative article that reveals the tragedy of what has been allowed to happen in society.

  7. Bulletin News says:

    Amazing review talking about WCB Report Files. Thoroughly love your articles.

  8. Kay says:

    I found your blog via Google while searching for Back Neck Pain Pain and your post regarding WCB Report Files looks very interesting to me. I always enjoy coming to this site because you offer great tips and advice for people like me who can always use a few good pointers. I will be getting my friends to pop around fairly soon.

  9. Kay says:

    I found your blog via Google while searching for Cause Of Low Back Pain and your post regarding WCB Report Files looks very interesting to me. I just wanted to write to say that you have a great site and a wonderful resource for all to share.

  10. Pay Day Loan says:

    Being thankful for first class tip connected with WCB Report Files readers absorbing it is surprising for everybody who actually do like to enjoy such marvelous wisdom.

  11. (1) Listen-up, Everybody We are starting an injured workers class action against Saskatchewan WCB,,,,they have broken many TORT laws, and need to be held accountable….

    Also, some of you Physicians/Specialists are providing substandard care to injured workers, you are not listening to our concerns,,,,we have injuries that are going undiagnosed, and are causing severe pain.

    In the future we will be holding these physicians accountable! We will be initiating a three strikes and your out policy….We are tired of being kicked around in the Saskatchewan Medical System like footballs, and are tired of chasing around for medical care. BE WARNED….No More Bullshit

    We will be setting up centre’s in 2008 to advise which of you Physicians / Specialists need to be held accountable, we realize ever body makes mistakes,
    HOWEVER….some of you continually are guilty of falling below the minimum level of care….standard of care….negligent duty of care.

    Pass this around to all your physician friends / co-workers / physiotherapist buddies…..be prepared to spend all your time in COURT as we are not going to take this shit and abuse any longer.

    We advise you in the future……provide real examinations….do not bend to WCB instructions and place us injured workers in further peril.!
    This will no longer be tolerated PERIOD……………. .

  12. Bad Attitude says:

    I have read your website from start to finish. It truly amazes me with all the information you have provided. As an injured Saskatchewan worker, I ask why Sask WCB would not provide some of these tests for me. I have been returned to work on numerous occasions in severe pain and on naracotic meds that made my job dangerous not only for me but the general public.
    Due to my injury not being fully diagnosed, and WCB convulting the medical evidence of injury, I suffered further injury which went undiagnosed for a further 2 years. I only wanted to work so I could support my family, this has resulted in me becoming frustrated, angry and disgusted with almost everyone. My family has now lost their main source of income, the stress is monumental..I have been plunged into multiple WCB appeals and am tired of the mental games that WCB intentionally inflicts on injured workers, (it seems that the injured workers needing the most help are denied) my injuries are real, however WCB discounts the severity and when they receive a report from a specialist, they twist and rewrite the report to downplay the severity of the injury, this is just ridiculous, and is borderline criminal.. Throughout this whole nightmare that I have been made to endure, never once has WCB stated that they were wrong or that they were sorry, they have finally admitted to some of the injuries but continue to discount others and are now again trying to force me into a physiotherapy program, which yes I need, but cannot do if all my injuries are not being treated…This is unexceptable as I cannot do these exercises without causing further injury…in physiotherapy I tried to get these problems addressed and was told that I’m not here for these injuries, only the ones that WCB has accepted! So we are again at a mexican standoff…me needing help, WCB wanting to progress me through a physiotherapy program that will further injury me..I guess this is where a Attorney is needed, however as an injured worker with basically no money to hire an Attorney I am left at a distinct disadvantage……
    WCB knows full well that they have the upperhand and if I refuse to bend to their wishes they can just cutoff my benefits and plunge me into another round of appeals, again delaying medical treatment, diagnostic tests, and so-forth.. At this point, I am frustated/angry/disgusted nothing is being done for my benefit,, everything that is being done, is for WCB’s benefit..YES, I want to work, NO, I don’t want to suffer further injury.
    I am already on pain meds, that have had to be changed 3 times as they have lost their ability to quell the pain..I am in chronic pain and KNOW what needs to be done, HOWEVER, WCB continually and intenionally avoids addressing these issue’s.. It is a sickening run-around, that has left me without help on many occasions.. I just want to be fixed as best as I can so I can have some kind of life.

    • Colette says:

      I am in same boat or have been exactly. AM going after for addiction as injury…but there is a new chronic pain I was fortunate enough to attend as I just became severely depressed and I have a lovely director who is ruthless….You should phone the same and state you are so hopeless and DEMAND a chronic Pain Course. Prefrably the NEW ONE at Cedar’s on Cobble hill, in Victoria BC…there is a doctor that runs out of Edmonton. Awesome. or here contact Dr.Gross. Demand this course for your pain. I am also referring you to tell them simply or you phone the prevention line and tell them work is not safe – with me there. This is what I’m on. Then tell them your addicted but have chronic pain. For me to get off Oxy’s they sent me to Rehab Center….good one. But I could not do physical demands and they unfortunately kissed ass to my abuser giving informatin and they could not help chronic pain. You are not alone I worked the same way and its Not allowing us to return Safely. Financial Desperation is a mental depression condition. You and I were and are taken advantage of. I went to my phsyciatrist – I really started flipping out. I need help! and the call went to the Director – Get CSM the do not settle until you talk to Director Of special care services or Director of Prevention.
      GOOD LUCK PHONE CEDAR’s and Ask about the new program. mention my name and website. We are brother’s and sisters in injury and believe or not me into a 6th year still am amazed at the absolute same tatics here in BC
      Financial hardship is a position and pressure that adds to PostTraumatic Stress
      I like cedars as they recognize the trauma of the Force we deal with and they have a rehab program – holisitic…its an amazing PLACE Rocking. But you would be asking about the CHRONIC PAIN COURSE. ITS A NEW WAY TO GET YOUR LIFE BACK and its not abstence its management.
      Good luck
      broken down SG

  13. Payday Loan says:

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  14. Car Loan says:

    WCB Report Files could possibly be excellent controversial issue after you enunciate spectaularly; thank you much!

  15. Ruth Smith says:

    Well done website..easy read..and give good info specific to claims. Thanks for the info on interviewing WCB docs as I will so enjoy this when I go to appeals. I am medically trianed and practiced for 30 odd years, and never believed I’d see such emotional abuse of claimants. WCB, CPP etc certainly have very large budjets to deal with issues that Family Doctors already have dealt with. Might be nice for medical centers to access such funds to put to good use…not just repetition of medical exams/tests that have already been done by the Family Physician. The insurer process is designed to wear down an already worn down individual. YES and YES, claimants should refuse all IME’s unless they have a recorder and observer.AND, as you note, never allow a treatment or test which could compromise an already compromised claimant. Regards

  16. Bruce says:

    I am desperately writing to you for advice, I suffered a multiple work injury which has not been fully recognized or treated and has left me in chronic pain. I am starting to fall into depression. I think about death as a way out of pain and a chance for my family to once again have a normal life. I cannot talk about my injuries as my family freaks out when they hear me mention WCB. My children cannot understand why their Dad cannot do things that we did together in the past. My friends and relatives constantly put me in positions that cause me pain, it is very hard for them to understand that I cannot sit for any length of time, and need to lay down for relief. My injuries are not recognizable as they are not visible to the naked eye, or even when I am naked. WCB is constantly trying to reassess the injuries that they have accepted, so that they can give me the boot off benefits. I would love to be at work, any job, however when you only sleep for 2-3 hrs. and then awake in pain, you are always exhausted. I recently started to take sleeping pills again to make me stay asleep but still awake in pain, but have had some success, as it is easier to get back to sleep. However the side effects leave me in a fog for several hours after awaking. I’ve tried to cut back the sleep meds but again end up exhausted from sleep deprivation. The stress that WCB has created for me is monumental and is hindering any recovery, it is a mental torture and leaves me exasperated. I cannot even look at my file anymore as it makes me sick, that I trusted so many with my recovery. I asked my physician for a referral to see a psychiatrist, hoping that this might be of help. He doesn’t think this is needed so I will not push for this help anymore. I would like to send you all my claim information ASAP, for your opinion as I want to go to the USA, maybe the Mayo Clinic or somewhere else that you might know about, my current physician has been extremely helpful, and knowledgeable in making me understand my injuries, however, WCB specialist’s reports are filled with inaccuracies blatantly made to minimize and marginalize my injuries. I have just read the latest report entered in my file and cannot believe that a professional specialist would stoop so low as to write about me and my injuries with such vile innuendoes. How can they look me in the face and say one thing and then write a report to WCB that is sent to my Primary Physician that they know is untrue and complete hogwash. I know you have a BIG heart as I have seen what you wrote about my entry at ciws.ca-“WCB troubles – what needs to be done.” I know that I may be in pain for the rest of my life, on meds that cause my brain to be fuzzy and in a fog, but I am determined to never give up and to try for a better life.

    • Colette says:

      SEE MY ENTRY ABOVE – I am you and YOU ARE ME – NEW CHRONIC PAIN TREATMENT CENTER ABOVE – Also Management of Pain medication and new medications. THIS IS a NEW WAVE OF US.
      I have been addicted due to wcb injuries and financial desperation, told I’m fine to work on 380mgs of Oxycodone. Had mental Breakdown 2010 Went to Rehab and detox facility I will not mention. – ok Edgewood – I had already surrended but the fact of the matter my ankle foot injuries remained and also a left wrist injury from freakin typing excessively to WCB – Regardless did not have anything bad to say about Edgewood until I saw reports and I saw my abuser a director, was being treated like gold by a counsellor who lied and was again severe abuse with TRUST. I had to leave after two weeks and went there so I could get off OXY and with the use of the RICH MANS DRUG Suboxone which absolutely alleviated symptoms and side effects making more managable but took it for two weeks then i had to leave this place due to my injuries and questionable butt kissing to WCB as THIS IS A NEW WAVE – WCB is looking at treatment centers for all the have Abused into addiction.
      As mentioned My injuries remain. I left and technically was a test run allegely and really was set up for failure as WCB and the center could not treat my insane pain which goes up and that 5 months of detoxing and getting back I regaged my injuries and i have another further injury , surgery is on the block….but Listen CEDAR’s on COBBLE HILL in Victoria,,,,,ask about the NEW CHRONIC PAIN COURSE, there was group therapy I was one of 5 and not all from WCB but THEY SHOULD PAY. I was there for depression, injuries, I just trusted one and very few kind doctor from WCB who left right after – I have just gone to this course and noted I sat for MANY MORE who we were advised we were pioneering and I thought of every injured brother and sister. SO PHONE THE BOARD, GET A PHSYCIATRIST. Absolutely fight for this as Worksafe did this to you and you heard about this.
      It is Rehabilitation Center as well on 65 achres of spiritual healing grounds with beauty, and so much hope for us. I recommend also for Rehabilitation and addiction also as I went to the 3 best and they were not equipped for my chronic pain. They were brutal. The owner at Cedars and the People are truly amazing and the Best THEY GET THE ABUSE WCB INJURED WORKERS with CHRONIC PAIN and what we suffer and suffered, Just remain open and it could be the beginning of your journey, New.
      Good luck and always reach out on any website with WCB people.
      May I recommend V.O.C.A.L Fred Palmer. get on his emailing list as there are many of us and just reach out. Someone will support you. WE ARE ALL THE SAME and the WCB’s are all the same its brutal.
      NOTE THERE IS SOMETHING HAPPENING AT THE WCB”S around CANADA and especially BC and I think it has to do with CHRONIC PAIN, All the drugs they have us on and the bad drugs ie Oxy’s Something is happening …..I don’t know what ……it might be this.
      Good Luck.
      Better late than never
      Broken down StuntG

      • In desperation I went for counseling, at the local hospital. They insisted I be placed into a physic ward. I was needled and placed on 500 mgs seroquel. I was placed into a chemical straight – jacket. Made to take 14 different pills all at same time.
        I was over prescribed medications which left me feeling like I was dead drunk, I could barely stand, everything was spinning, when I requested a doctor for help. I was needled again, and denied any help. Out came the restraints, and more medications;

        I finally realized that I must SHUT UP and act like I wasn’t even injured, then I was finally released; (although it to my wife who was made to sign that she would make me take the medications which made me feel dead drunk.)

        After 2 weeks my wife phoned the doctor, as I was stumbling and dizzy from the medications. She was told to have me 1/2 the medications;

        Over the next month and a half, I was able to slowly reduce the medications, and clear my thinking.

        I received a phone call from another injured worker in 2012 and informed that the radiologist at Royal University Hospital had made mistakes evaluating her husbands MRI’s’

        My 2010 MRI at Royal University Hospital states,

        I searched the internet and found a 2nd opinion radiologist to send my MRI ; Result;
        My 2010 MRI which was obtained at Royal University Hospital was reviewed by 2nd opinion radiologist – board certified in the USA; Result;
        “acute injury” multiple spinal problems;
        herniated disc’s – annular disc tears, facet disease, multiple fractures, spinal stenosis;

        I immediately placed a complaint to “College Physicians Surgeons for investigation, as some doctors filed falsified reports which were used to deny medical care.

        I requested an investigation into WHY? my mri images were not properly evaluated? 3 radiologists at RUH Saskatoon were consulted and all failed to properly evaluate my 2nd opinion complaints;

        Eventually the MRI was sent out of province for opinion and this radiologist agrees with some of the 2nd opinion results;
        I have been denied disclosure by the college, who and where the MRI was sent?

        I received another letter stating my 1st MRI taken in 2006, does not show a reason for my pain;

        I then sent this MRI for 2nd opinion, results, herniated disc indenting the thecal sac, facet disease. etc.

        WHY? is this allowed to happen, why are injured workers denied timely diagnosis – timely medical care, for significant injuries when there are insurance interests?

        I had 2 x-rays taken in Nov – early Dec 2004, both x-rays question multiple spinal fractures, yet no CT scan – MRI
        was offered, even though I made specific complaints and x-rays question spinal fractures.

        Everything was purposely done to deny me medical care, diagnosis. I was ramrodded in physiotherapy program, which caused severe pain, my specific complaints were denied investigation.

        The physiotherapy center, filed falsified reports, accusing me as a nut case, and due to new problems caused by the physiotherapy program, severe pain, other issues, new injuries from physiotherapy attempting instructed exercises.

        I was then sent for a GRTW, (graduated return to work) and was informed I was laid-off by employer. WCB states I quit GRTW which didn’t even exist;

        WCB then told me, I was entitled to 2 weeks of benefits and then I was cut-off, even though a new doctor had requested a specialists appointment. To address my severe pain from workplace injury.

        WCB states “NO REASON FOR PAIN” even though 2 x-rays question multiple spinal fractures;

        I received a call, from another WCB injured worker, he had been offered a job and felt like he couldn’t due it. He offered to call the employer and recommend me.

        I was hired and upon start of job began having severe pain, my doctor requested more physiotherapy and specialists appointment.

        Physiotherapy had requested an extension, which WCB denied;
        Physiotherapy then requested an occupation assessment which WCB also, DENIED;

        In severe pain on narcotics I continued to work and seek medical help, only to be denied any help;

        My doctor again requested further physiotherapy for my work injuries and this was denied by WCB.

        I suffered further injury, again and again, I went to emergency at hospital and was denied any investigation for the reason for severe pain.

        3 months after being returned to work, i suffered severe injury, which was denied any investigation, the doctor did not take me off work, 3 days later I suffered severe injury again and another doctor took me off work and filed a work injury report.

        WCB denied this claim; and denied any help, denied another specialists appointment, and denied a WCB assessment that was requested on my behalf;

        Just keep repeating these denials for help for work injuries, from WCB right up to today;


  17. Rachel Perry says:

    Hello…Man i just love your blog, keep the cool posts about WCB Report Files comin..holy Sunday .

    • Colette says:

      let there names be known
      I am known as #07129527

  18. Bruce says:

    Clearly shows how WCB here in Saskc’nuckastan is having their way with injured workers…No fricken tests just physiotherapy is supposed to be the cure for everything.. 3 times I have been subjected to their brand of treatment. 3 times I have been placed in physiotherapy and have had my injuries misdiagnosed and have suffered further injury/pain. Now WCB is again placing me in a physiotherapy program, undiagnosed and without an inkling of the damage to my body that I will suffer, this is beyond ridiculous. I know what my limitations are as I have lived with these work injuries going on 4 yrs. Each time i have been placed in physiotherapy my complaints have been cast aside, as no concern, and I have been told that I needed to work through the PAIN. In the beginning when I was newly injured and begged and pleaded for an MRI, I was told that I couldn’t get one, I offered to pay for this test myself and WCB went above and beyond their duty to make sure I never received help “NO TESTS WHATSOEVER” So this is how things stand as of now.
    Lawsuit to be filed immediately, no more pussy-footin around, I’m sick and tired of WCB buying and paying specialist’s for their diagnose ” NO REASON FOR PAIN” All of the specialist’s who WCB has sent me to, when I stated my symptoms didn’t due any investigation, will now come to Court of Queens Bench to explain their lack of treatment of my injuries.
    NO! I will not take this shit and abuse any longer, my physical condition is like walking a tight-rope, I am already in +4 pain constantly and on pain meds/muscle relaxants, sure I know I need physiotherapy. However I need to be properly diagnosed before being placed in a physiotherapy program so that my injuries and my health is not jeopardized further. My WCB case manager has stated that an assessment team would be needed to ascertain what tests would be needed to identify my injuries, I was told that the assessment team would be of great value so I attended and was injured further, 2 weeks I have suffered in +5 pain hoping the pain for my injuries would settle down, this hasn’t happened and the swelling from injury that I pointed out to the assessment team has not been investigated, WHY? Simple because WCB is a BAD FAITH insurance company who’s sole purpose is to DENY DENY DENY. I pity any other poor and injured worker who has to go through what I have, negligence is rampant throughout my whole claim file, sent back to work multiple times with undiagnosed injuries, only to suffer furthering of injuries and new injuries that have been DENIED treatment. This is not laughable, this is serious abuse of the injured worker, who in their right mind would subject an injured person to a program designed to cause further pain/disablement, and when problems occur in the physiotherapy program, their complaints are subjected to rude and slanderous comments by the physiotherapist. This is the way it works, 1st step file lawsuit for negligence and other tort law offenses, go to Queens Bench Court and win the case. WCB will appeal the verdict and it will go to the next level, Court of appeal, then it will go to the supreme court for FINAL RULING, be ready all involved at WCB and the medical community, I will have my DAY IN COURT, my case published for everyone to see just HOW badly this system is functioning, and how negligent WCB and their puppy-mill specialists truly are.. I am starting a website with You – Tube videos and the works so that no other injured worker will be subjected to these negligent professionals.

  19. Morgan Webb says:

    Hello webmaster…Man i just love your blog, keep the cool posts about WCB Report Files comin..holy Thursday .

  20. Daniel says:

    I read similar article also named WCB Report Files, and it was completely different. Personally, I agree with you more, because this article makes a little bit more sense for me

  21. Morgan Webb says:

    Hi…Thanks for the nice read, keep up the interesting posts about web ct..what a nice Wednesday .

  22. Morgan Webb says:

    Hello webmaster…Man i just love your blog, keep the cool posts about WCB Report Files comin..holy Wednesday .

  23. Morgan Webb says:

    Hello…Man i just love your blog, keep the cool posts about WCB Report Files comin..holy Wednesday .

  24. Morgan Webb says:

    Hey!…Man i just love your blog, keep the cool posts about WCB Report Files comin..holy Thursday .

  25. Morgan Webb says:

    Hello…Man i love reading your blog, interesting posts ! it was a great Thursday .

  26. Morgan Webb says:

    Hey!…Man i love reading your blog, interesting posts ! it was a great Thursday .

  27. Thanks authors for the reality materials, a lot of the compelling info. All good.

  28. Bruce says:








    WCBullets in the mail

    WOW WCB REALLY DID A NUMBER ON DAVE….. over 30 yrs of tormenting him.


    • Colette says:

      Bruce I hope you get a notification of my responses to ya here …..I’m sure your still injured….we all are…..until we do the right things or should I say WCB provides the insurance that they charge high prices for.!!!!
      I went to work one day, I got hurt.
      CM and MA,s CSM’s and Director over 3 years were incompentant in providing phsyiotherapy aggressively, then strangely changing their minds IE ORtho’s for surgery which was deemed as my last resort and I wanted to try all non surgical methods. I had a high level management come on as my Director Jennifer L. BC and a week later surgery was off. I got addicted to Oxycodone. and it was the only paid form of rehabilitation. I made the board pay for a detox or rehabilitation for me. It was too physical and i had to leave also they kissed ass but FOUND THE BEST SEE ABOVE Responses to people RE.Cedar’s on Cobble hill and chronic pain course Brand New and there is a couple new medications to try but remain open and always reach out you are not alone my friend. TRY
      I am known as 07129527

  29. admin says:

    It still boggles me that people who are obviously injured are not given the benefit of the doubt, which according to law they are supposedly entitled to. It would be interesting for all case workers to have to write in their rejection letters that they have concluded “beyond all reasonable doubt” that the injured party is not disabled (and have to do that with a straight face). Has anyone ever figured how they get around the reasonable doubt clause?
    Of course case workers may live by the delusion that time heals all, while the fact of the matter is, people with chronic pain can get actually worse over time. Hence, if a patient has not improved over time, then what has changed? – except that this “time heals all” delusion has kicked in.


    • Colette says:

      CHRONIC Pain Effects the injury, the injured area, THE BRAIN see addictionscience.net, it causes addiction , it causes depression , and worse.
      But read my responses to several above. I am a pioneer for something that is going on and we are a new wave of chronic pain persons.
      Also Mention Mandates. Are WCB making, complying, with THEIR MANDATES for us. ALSO UNITE IN any way forum, protest you can.
      I suggest V.O.C.A.L Fred Palmer there is a whole bunch on his website and his story is on the INJURED WORKERS MAIN website sorry for got name. BUT you and Fred Palmer should merge people
      Braveheart ” NO Surrender”
      But we all know how much this does to us. WCB know it too….
      I like your site. I have written several additions and am getting geared up for round like 67 …….
      I have just returned and was so fortunate to have met a doctor who was one in a million from WCB who stuck around to save me and who is advocating Rehabilition to us Injured workers in BC and also Chronic Pain. the fact is you can get off the FAILED OXY but there is other new avenues and medications they have found.
      Document your workers and all at WCB – put there names and as for your file getting red carded or whatever. Its a tool they use anyway.
      be smart don’t yell. always state when they start the verbal abuse. “I am finding your tone aggressive and intimidating” Repeat if you have to.
      Ask for CSM”s and if not them GET THE DIRECTORS ON THE PHONE – there is something happening at my WCB – I think they have so many people now with legitite addictions and whatever. I am not impressed by our medical also – STIGMA and condescending doctors. Doctors are all working in clinics. WE NEED MORE DOCTORS with a back bone. We are patient and cmon – stick up to them –
      I am known as 07129527 WCB

  30. k.w.m says:

    There is no way around any of the WCB’s “legislated” doings, even criminal actions by them are allowed to go on. As a WCB employee states on a comment on my blog site “The act is LEGISLATED by the provincial government. This means it is LAW. The WCB is not part of the government. Believe it or not, their employees are trained to side with the worker if there is not a clear cut decision to be made.” that has to be the biggest piece of BULL SH_T I have ever heard

    • Colette says:

      You have a old worker……That is the thing….ever wonder where all the Cm’s or BOARD workers are???? They apparently treat some of there staff like crap……and WE NEED MORE FORMER EMPLOYEEs of the Workers Comp to come and support Anynonomous……
      WOW …..
      thanks for your log…….FOR ALL if anyone can advertise for FORMER EMPLOYEEs to come out and help. We really need them
      and for the Record Mandates are interesting to mention and also note. The board has their own book that we would have to buy and what happens is they MISADVISE YOU…..they miss steps……
      They are criminals and look at the FRAUD. thats what they do. They also profile and wear you down. As soon as you tell them anything they take advantage of any injured person and abuse them to the max.
      If you have a web and just to unite. V.O.C.A.L Fred Palmer. Injured worker formed and has huge mailing list…..lots of interesting stuff. Laws. and Fred Palmers Story is a complete truthful Story well documented and he is fighting the government now. UNITE.
      See his site.
      NO Surrender……protect sanity….which is impossible……your not alone I’m right there with ya sista…….WCB new type of Criminals……….
      I am #07129527

    • Colette says:

      ALSO NOTE WCB is not a CROWN CORPORATION they are on the PIE CHART cause thats what they Pay into TAX.
      They are TRULY a NORTH AMERICAN Company it has been tracked and this is coming out. So our injured brother’s and sisters across the boarder are so similar and they court decisions are also worth reviewing.
      The site I mentioned there are all types of people either they come here or i suggest everyone visits and make sure this site is also connected so there are more …UNITE

  31. O.A.B says:

    I fell 20 meters down a mine shaft,shattering my heal and tearing all the tendons away from my shoulder,opposite sides of course.my job will not let me return to work taking morphine for pain,have to be free of all meds.I am so fed up with WCB sask that I would like to go off all meds and go back if I cannot work can i go out on my jobs disibility or will they not touch you because of it being a wcb claim.

    • Colette says:

      see my comments – worksafebc states and per prevention line WE ARE TO BE PROVIDED WITH SAFE RETURNS TO Work Especially in this day and age as OXYCODONE has taken over and the flawed drug is now a casualty…..
      they will tell you your ok to work just like me……..Yeah Right…..heres where the law is. Phone their PREVENTION LINE. TEll them you know of a unsafe work place – but your not there yet.
      then the disclosure and definition of – Working on pain medication is defined.

  32. The pain has just began says:

    The physical pain of the injury is almost unbearable most of the time but along with my pain med’s and some very disaplined mind manipulateing I can get through the day.Dealing with WCB’s tactic’s over the last 15yrs has changed me and the way I look at alot of issue’s and have lost the idea that there was no way another humanbeing could deliberatly put a person through and their family’s and then go home and be able to sleep or look at their kids and tuck them in when at work that day they just put a family out in to the cold having the heat shut off,vehicals taken away,no money for food. All this while being scheualled for a major back surgery. But the board had STAR REHAB on their payrole and i was told to my face that physicaly there was nothing I could do until the surgery was done and extensive rehab completed. Then their report to the board appearently said that I could return to work until the day of the surgery[multiple level spinal fusion with 2 six inch steel rods and 6 screws in my spine] The board totally cut off my benifits until the day the doctor cut me. Now i’m totally unemployable according to my doctors and assessment after assessment and almost 4yrs later there is still no final decsion made.

    • Colette says:

      SEE ALL MY COMMENTS. check out V.O.C.A.L – there are some activists, lawyers, many injured workers…..
      ITS CRIMINAL. MALICIOUS and at the end of the day…..you cannot have a conscious – Ask for a Director. Make a complaint. Ask for the Prevention Director. make sure you take care of you first. THERE Is no shame in chronic pain and injuries.
      They mess with your head like that as they attempted and did ….*sorta grin….and I am 6 years….and still half way to giving up and then I got that Chronic Pain Course I mention here in above and I’m back.
      Still have surgeries pending, still gotta type even though I have two wrist disabilities, still gotta manage my pain. BUT theres hope, they kill all of our Self ESTEEM and it becomes so low……this is where we go……
      See my posts. I am 07129527

  33. KWM; I understand your feelings, it is very hard to be taken advantage of if that has in fact what has happened; HOWEVER; The workers compensation board does and has not ever sided with workers; Sure they may have given benefits to someone that didn’t deserve it; Like you state,”SHIT-HAPPENS”

    However and this is a HUGE HOWEVER, Saskatchewan WCB and their HOSTILE ADVERSARIAL,ARROGANT, SMART ASS ATTITUDES, SUCK THE BIG ONE; I would like to trade shoes with you for 1 day and see what you think about living with 2 spinal injuries and 2 shoulder injuries; It would be lovely to not have to take pain medication, muscle relaxants, depression pills, just to get through the day;
    I just had another appointment 5.5 yrs since injury; I was returned to work driving a semi-truck on morphine and oxycontin with 2 undiagnosed spinal injuries and 2 shoulder injuries; Even though WCB had received multiple requests for help, diagnostic tests,for me; DENIED

    WCB and the Medical System (almost all Doctor’s) couldn’t give a rats ass about anything other than MONEY! When you are severely injured in Saskatchewan and Workers Comp gets involved “GOOD-LUCK” getting any treatment if it is a work injury;

    From what has happened to me their needs to be a BIGTIME REVIEW of priorities at WCB; ….HEADS NEED TO ROLL…. People need to be thrown out on their asses or better yet charged under the criminal code; WCB treats people like trash, disposed off when injured; ( I have absolute PROOF of this ).

    Our Sask Party here in Saskatchewan recently announced that they were in the process of conducting a WCB SERVICE REVIEW. I inquired to WCB and Rob Norris’s office for contact info; Were to send my injury claim file to be reviewed and was DENIED; it’s obvious that they don’t want known how they really DENY INJURED WORKERS HELP:

    Saskatchewan Workers Compensation is absolutely the worst thing for any injured worker; If you have a Doctor that is trying to help you, or a physiotherapist that sees that you need help, too bad for you, times up and your claim is terminated and you ares starved back to work or worse fired for suffering a work injury:

    Only someone who has lived through the WCB HORROR STORY will be able to tell you with sadness, how their lives, health, financial picture has been TRASHED BEYOND BELIEF:

    GOD HELP YOU. because Workers Compensation will try to push you to suicide, with their never-ending – run-around begging for medical help; I have lived through Doctors and Workers comp malpractice, gross negligence, extreme emotional distress, just to name a few. I now know I am not the only one in Saskatchewan who has and is living this extreme OUTRAGEOUS medical/legal fraud; It literally is Racketeering supported off the backs of Saskatchewan Taxpayers. Who do you think is paying for long-term injured workers who have been injured on the job; NOT WCB, even though they have a surplus of 13 million for 2008; WCB still discriminates and harasses injured and disabled workers all the time; they show no mercy, and are the best LIARS around, possibly if not probable psychopaths, who else would DENY Medical Help to some one who needs it, and then kick their teeth out when they are down;

    If you would like PROOF of the corruption at Saskatchewan Workers Compensation, stay tuned because the proverbial shit is about to hit the fan!

    Injured and disabled workers are now getting educated and ready.
    Physicians and Workers Compensation Employees are about to get their
    eyes opened to a new organization;

    CCWW Canadian Coalition Walking Wounded;

    • Colette says:

      I’m with you brotha…..forsure………
      I’m with you right now and also deemed me fit to work on 380mgs of Oxycodone. I was a stunt woman. I stopped them and tried to work in all other jobs equally as physical. trashed myself got addicted to OXYCODONE was thankfully smart and didn’t have a choice I had to get off the OXY as it is flawed drug. BUT I”M GOING after for UNSAFE working Conditions and they know exactly my ongoing complaints not only my injury but the futher injury caused by working and ALSO ADDICTION, not to mention I don’t need a law Phone the Prevention line its a fast track to defining and finally someone at the Board stating its not safe to work therefore …..pay wageloss on pain medication. Theres so much in the news today………and something is going on with this at the WCB I think theres a whole bunch of us. thousands, etc drugs and working, along with the abuse.
      Criminologists are all commenting on this and advising ie Toronto Mayor that with the economy and the brutal tatics somethings….gonna happen and for blatant reasons……..
      I support.
      I am 07129527

  34. You know, I almost start crying every time I read another horrible WCB story. And there are thousands of them across North America. It is a horrible horrible injustice perpetrated on severely weakened persons. It is a sad testimony to the state of our society, that their are people out there who would do such heinous things to other humans. It is supported and perpetuated by our politicians. Their punishment is no different than a white man shooting a black man 100 years ago. Nothing, absolutely nothing. Their crimes that they have unleashed on innocent law abiding tax payers, is appalling, reprehensible actually subhuman in nature. How these people can go home and kiss their children, and sleep well is really mind boggling to me. But it is understandable given that our society here in Canada now perfectly mirrors the greed mentality of the United States of America. These WCB organizations were not set up and mastered by dumb Canadians, this is an American Model. I have always said this, the Americans perfected this highly evolved medical fraud system, and exported it to Canada. What was unforseen by even the Americans, is the absolutely pure “Zealous abandon”, and truly cruel manifestations that the Canadians would unleash on our poor injured workers. The difference between the Americans and us, is guns. Guns, guns and more guns, it is the only thing that keeps some of those crazy American WCB claims managers in check. If a injured worker was to finally loose his marbles and go and cap one of these shill son’s of bitches. You know like I would love to see someone go postal on these bastards. Unfortunately, I am way to mangled to perform such a heroic act. Oh well, I am still allowed to dream. The crimes perpetrated against me by this phony medical organization are completely unspeakable. I will never ever recover fully from the emotional and psychological scars these ruthless bastards have willfully and maliciously unleashed on my person. They have shaken my very foundation of beliefs regarding humanity. Worse yet, the impotence of elected officials do do anything, and I mean anything to these ingrateful bastards is disturbing. It has shaken my belief in Democracy to the very bone. These shill bastards are making a complete “Mockery of Democracy”. Our Tory governments are the ones who created this bullshit organizations, and continue to support them in the name of business. Killing innocent persons is not good business. Stephen Harper and Ed Stelmach have actually managed to create the “Disposable Ironworker”. While doing this they have created disposable every kind of worker. They don’t need us anymore, they will just ramp up temporary foreign workers to the absolute maximum. Which is what they did in 2008. They knew the meltdown was coming and they actually ramped up the influx. It was all about getting cheap, cheap labour. My family has been here for many, many generations. I am actually ashamed to say I live in Alberta, and more importantly, I am now ashamed to be a Canadian. STephen Harper has no room to point fingers at the Chinese or any other country, while he lets this go on her in Canada. Shame, Shame, Shame on the Conservatives across this country. Is destroying families and killing injured workers a “New Conservative Value?” Or is it just an “Old Conservative Value”?, re branded for Canadian voter consumption?
    Brent McGillis
    Injured Ironworker
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

  35. Arleena Kolundzic says:

    I found your website after looking for how many “standoffs” there have been conserning the WCB (after hearing about this current one in Edmonton) and I am really sorry to hear so many SAD storys concering the abuse from the WCB system!! My husband was a Injured Worker’s Advocate for many years in No.Ont. and we also have a vault full horrific stories concerning abuse by the system that was set up to HELP the Injured Worker…it’s terrible and something must change SOON!! keep up the good work with your informative site.

  36. It has been sometime since I have been hear to read the new stories of abuse intentionally inflicted on injured and disabled workers by WCB employees and some physicians who GREEDILY are preventing injured workers from getting a true diagnose of their injury.

    Yes, these physicians are PUPPY-MILL paid WCB doctors who have sold out their profession for their 30 pieces of silver, at the expense of injured workers health.

    As everyone knows, recently their was a hostage taking at WCB Edmonton and the standoff ended peacefully, LUCKY for those WCB employees. I say lucky because it could have ended terribly HORRIFIC.

    We have all seen in the last few years, columbine incidents were unstable shooters have gained access and have carried out horrific acts of violence.
    WCB should have taken steps to protect their employees better as almost every severely injured worker has been abused emotionally and physically, this was inevitable, due to the way WCB is adversarial and hostile with their claims administration.

    Recently Premier Wall was on the news stating that his neighbor down the street had to sell his painting business as he could not work due to his back injury. The news clip showed the injured painter walking in his house, yet NO ONE called him a malingering faker, which I find hard to believe.

    There seems to be a theory practiced by many surgeons that if a person can walk, they don’t need surgery? I say this as I have been waiting for over 5 years now to be properly diagnosed, and yes, I can walk because I take over 100 mgs of oxycontin daily to ease the severe chronic pain from my spinal injuries which have received NO TREATMENT;

    My life is a revolving run-around of being pushed from Doctor to Doctor and never getting the diagnostic tests I need to properly diagnose my injury so that I can have my health recovery, the medical cue is never ending here in Saskatchewan.

    As I slowly die from lack of treatment from my work injury’s, due to the assault from workers compensation and their well paid physicians who are employed to NEVER ORDER DIAGNOSTIC TESTS and just state physiotherapy will cure everything, I have learned some very HARD LESSONS;

    #1. Don’t trust anyone from WCB with your health as my claim file PROVES beyond a shadow of doubt, they will say or do anything to deny you any help, their job is to deny you anything and everything that costs money or that will truly show the reason for your pain, especially if it will give you a permanent impairment as then WCB might have to send you some money, or retrain you for other work.

    #2. Occupational Health and Safety doesn’t care if you are sent back to work in severe pain driving a semi-truck on morphine, oxycontin, muscle relaxants, undiagnosed. Every time you go out on the highway. BEWARE, WCB is sending severely injured workers back to work in safety sensitive jobs such as this with no concerns for the general public or their families. I found this out in 2007 when I almost ran over a car due to all the medications and side effects and lack of sleep due to the aggravation of my work injuries.

    #3. You will be treated as a malingering faker by almost everyone in the medical system, BEG OR BORROW and go to the MAYO CLINIC before it is to late and your life and health are totally destroyed by workers compensations FRAUDULENT CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION.

    #4. My experience is that if you are in PAIN, get to the route of the problem as fast as you can before it goes chronic, if you develop CRPS, life will be miserable and workers compensation will only add to the problem with their ARROGANT HOSTILE ADVERSARIAL CONDESCENDING ATTITUDES, these people should be categorized as your enemy, because they are there to deny you your health recovery with extreme prejudice.

    #5. Get the hell out of Canada, our medical system is pathetic, The Doug Bonderude story is what is really happening, people are dying from lack of diagnose and treatment.

    Here is a clip from Injured Workers All Across Canada that speaks volumes of what is happening, in the medical system all across Canada;

    Here it is in a nutshell;

    In an effort to protect their insurance treasury they prevent us from getting critical early diagnosis and tx, we end up sustaining irreparable damage through a slew of ensuing scenarios, one of which is Liver, kidney and [other] critical organ damage and we do this while our worlds implode around us, without money, pity or legal recourse.

    Each of us is enlightened to a degree of the Truth as we go through what we’d never have been able to comprehend, believe or accept (as it is a reversal or reversion of the synthetic reality and the bill of goods they sell us in exchange for their mandatory insurance rates).

    Subsequently we each have a large and critical piece of the puzzle to contribute of what should be a collaborative and collective effort to seek justice, remedy and compensation due each and every person who has been ripped off, maimed, crippled and/or killed by the government sanctioned/perpetrated insurance racketeers.

    • Colette says:

      I absolutely agree with you and I am someone who also was taking or prescribed or here better yet too incompetant to have physio set up, then changed minds on surgery both surgeons at WCB said could be my last resort and that was just a week after a director who is my adjudicator came onto to the file wierdly. Its now 2012 in 2011 Dec 2010 mental breakdown with physical addiction to OXYCODONE I had surrended already and wanted off !!! Phoned Director and said what are you going to do about it?
      I also did not simply just sit back and take these as the contiuum of abuse, requests, pain doctors sending infr 308 mgs oxy past stunt woman….yeah right Tell that to the guy I have to catch or something.
      What is WorkSafe’s interpetation of “Working Modified” – In my case its on 380mg of Oxycodone.
      WCAT danced around and never directly answered. this is something that at the time overwhelmed injured ya know….but now the experience and where i am at.
      I fight for ALL AS THERE IS AN EPIDEMIC and theres something going on with WCB”s – Addiction, Chronic Pain. EVERYONE GOT OXYCODONE> I feel high amount and now its flawed so they have to treat us as Addicts if – no predated medication abuse. and this they will say you have taken it before its predated. WELL i could have taken it before but I did for a time. for a personal injury lets say. i recovered and stopped taken. i get banged up alot in my job, but i recover. theres a definitive definition for DRUG Abuse and Dependency. Behaviour.
      Anyway I have typed alot here….I like this site although from BC….but my doctor is in edmonton how is that for a FAILED Medical system that stigmatizes. I’m the freakin patient, injured one….i don’t need condescending ontop which was the case until i was by the grace of god – found a doctor who is awesome, chronic pain, has a heart. and there are several more and one I know that are leaving WorkSafe. Look for prior employees thats who I forgive but would love to hear from about the inside.
      I am 07129527
      Document all workers names, doctors, anything you want numbers SO THEY KNOW THAT UNITY IS OCCURING – EveryONE SHOULD MAKE FILE NAMES Public as they do and WCB DID NOT COUNT ON SOCIAL MEDIA…….thats the beginning of UNITY

  37. Frederick Palmer says:

    To whom it may Concern,

    Patrick Clayton is not an evil man. The system he was subjected too is the culprit in this case.
    All Workers Compensation Boards in Canada practice psychological and physical abuse against the permanently disabled victim. It is this psychological and physical abuse that drives men mad, causes them to commit crimes, causes them to seek treatment from the streets (drugs and alcohol), and even causes them to commit suicide. That is the goal of the Workers Compensation Boards.
    Mr. Clayton is not alone suffering pain and torment and fraud and abuse. There are tens of thousands of injured workers across Canada being mistreated the same way. Fortunately most injured workers recover and return to their jobs. For those that can’t, and the WCB’s know immediately which ones can’t, the abuse begins.
    What has happened to Mr. Clayton is not an isolated incident. In the last couple of years WCB offices have been attacked in Manitoba and Quebec. To single him out as a worthless drug addict and to imply that drugs are his main problem is only deceitful and incompetent reporting designed to take the focus off the criminal actions of WCB’s. I have to ask why the media treats every case as a single entity when in fact it is Canada wide fraud and abuse against us all?
    To prove my point about injured workers being subjected to psychological abuse I offer you this statement from a document prepared by WorksafeBC. It states; “….does not compensate for psychological damage as a result of being involved in the WCB process.”
    This process they refer to is the appeals. Most are completely unnecessary and even when there is doubt about disability proper medical/job function testing can confirm or deny such a state. This medical testing is delayed or even completely withheld from the patient.
    Part of the abuse is that the patient begins to lose all they own awaiting appeals, have to bear the stigma of being on welfare when they should be receiving workers compensation benefits, have no money for lawyers and are traumatized by being forced to defend themselves when they are too sick to do so. This is especially true in brain injury cases.
    One of these cases involve a B.C. man who was brain injured then subjected to repeated cut offs of benefits and under surveillance for years. Just imagine being brain injured and as a result suffering emotional problems such as depression, anxiety, fear, paranoia, and other symptoms. Then imagine having WCB spies popping out of the bushes at every opportunity to take pictures and send false reports back to WCB’s who then cut off benefits.
    In Mr. Lockyer’s case he was traumatized from 1989 until 2005. At that point he thought a WCB spy was coming to cut off benefits and he stabbed the man to death. He is now in a mental hospital.

    That is the result of the frivolous and vexatious appeals processes that lead to such incidents as Mr. Lockyers and Mr. Claytons. There are hundreds more such incidents occurring regularly. About 28 years ago I found myself in the same position and stole pistols to go to WSIB Ontario and blow their criminal heads off. I served three months for the theft but fortunately came to my senses and did not use the guns for any criminal purpose.
    The simple truth is, WCB’s regularly inflict mental and emotional trauma designed purposely to force the claimant to abandon their claims. Suffering unbearable pain while being psychologically abused is why most permanently disabled injured workers commit suicide and/or cause harm to other human beings.
    It is time the media expose these crimes against Canadian citizens. If not, why not?

    Frederick Palmer
    Founder – V.O.C.A.L.
    (Victims Of Compensation Abuse League)

    • Colette says:

      Gese Fred I just found this site and referred to VOCAL above….and how true above I am stealing that last paragraph for my judicial disclosure via FOI in BC
      Everyone should also NOTE TO SIGN THE PETITION FOR Mr.Clayton I believe who is in jail ? is that the fellow. For simply all the same but held hostages and told them they could leave and they didn’t where he told his story to them and they volunteered to stay.
      VOCAL – I support

  38. Advantageously, the post is in reality the greatest on this precious topic. I agree together with your conclusions and tend to eagerly look forward to any incoming updates. Saying thank you won’t just be sufficient, for the great lucidity in your writing. I’ll quickly get hold of your really simply syndication feed to be privy of any kind of updates. Great work and much success in your business endeavors!

  39. downedworker says:

    Dear Workers comp claims employee.

    You really screwed up, you crippled me with your lies and criminal negligence and now I am letting you know your gig is up. If I were you
    I would think about moving to another province asap.

    You can run but you can’t hide, see you in court were you will be made to answer for your crimes against humanity.

  40. FREDDIE says:

    i have recieved a full discosuree package from wcb IT INCLUDED A CD CONTAING SOMEONE SPYING ON ME ,AND SPY’S REMARKS.does anyone else have these types of video evidence supplied by wcb?

  41. Justifiable .... says:

    After reading these postings of so many people’s story of abuse and mistreatment I’m absolutely certain that what I’ve been whispering under my breath for so many years needs to be implemented and carried out everywhere there is corruption in regards to the injured worker. REMEMBER PEOPLE, IF YOU CAN’T GET’EM IN COURT, THERE’S ALWAYS “TEXAS JUSTICE” why did a man from alta have to walk into a wcb building and take hostages? because he was being treated fairly? as far as I’m concerned he only made one mistake. The only way these raping bastards are going to start treating people with serious injuries like people with serious injuries instead of like bloated rotting carcuses that just need to go away is to open their eyes to reality. Each and every wcb employee is going to burn in hell for all eternity for screwing people over, and the sooner we get them there the sooner we can fix the system for ourselves, each other, our children and anyone else who suffers a severe work injury.

  42. Seraphimangel says:

    Hi. In 2009 I had a slip and fall incident at work. I work in healthcare. 2.5 months goby since injury and I got my first X-ray, only to be told I had an “old healed fractured collarbone.” I saw about 6 doctors, one neurologist, 2 surgeons, ect. Had 4 xrays, an MRI, and nerve conduction study. I was not privileged to any of Hess findings though on my MRI there was an abnormal finding that got overlooked, that would have made me candidate for surgery. Went through the WCB run around, pointless and painful physiotherapy where I was told my problem was soft tissue/ muscle sprain/strain, and also I needed to work on my posture. I’m sorry but I had an impact injury to my shoulder from landing on it-so how do posture and muscle strain apply. I was off work for a year and nothing improved. I have chronic pain in my shoulder/collarbone, numbness, weakness, diminished pulse in my affected arm. It always causes me discomfort and I believe all the tests were deliberately performed ineffectively. My disclosure letter said my injury was minor and likely preexisting. I couldn’t and still cannot lift up my daughter, and I was a single mother to a two year old when it happened. It broke my heart not being able to console my child, to hug and hold her with my left arm buggered. Almost 4 years later and it still hurts. I was sent back to work in disrepair. Got depressed and was being harassed at work by management, fell into self-medicating/drug use…disclosed to my employer and was wrongfully dismissed. Got reinstated at place of employment, still in pain, got reported to my professional association about my substance use…fighting for my license back, been clean over 1.5 years. I don’t qualify for treatment (ie no funding), but I am required to be assessed by specialists in this matter to get my license reinstated. Oh yes and I’m still in pain, though I doubt there is anything I can do short of surgery, but how is that going to happen if everyone is turning a blind eye to my situation? There are a bunch of people I would like to sue: my employer, WCB, my union, and my professional association for lack of due diligence and coercing me into signing papers. Please advise.

  43. Monica says:

    My husband and I have been dealing with WCB since the end of 2008. We live in Alberta, and we have had nothing but turmoil in dealing with them, and trying to gain employment. There was a time when we thought that they were finally coming around, but they immediately shut him down again. We did get an apology from the new case worker, but… wow… what a front. I have been told so much garbage, and I have seen so much garbage through their reports and video surveillance… yes, he too has surveillance footage… they do it to everyone. They miraculously diagnose, and conclude your abilities through these videos, and half the time I really don’t think that it’s actually you they are watching. People think I’m crazy for thinking that WCB is capable of these conspiracies, but their plan is to completely annihilate you. We are a family of four who have typically been marked as “DO NOT ASSIST.” My husband has been through many jobs in the past year… if he doesn’t say anything about WCB and they find out, they fire him. If he’s up front about it, they don’t bother to hire him. He has been fired as the month approaches, so they don’t have to give a reason. He has been fired for things he should only have been written up for. One company, upon finding out that he had a WCB claim, behaved like school children and literally treated him like he had a nasty contagious disease. He’s been harassed at these work sites… told that he is a liar for not telling them about WCB, and that no one wants him there. He’s even had damage done to his truck. We cannot receive any financial assistance. I tell them what our situation is and we are immediately told we don’t “qualify.” My husband has CRPS 1… started in his knee and spread down into his toes and up into his right lower back, because of improper treatment. He has had a headache since its onset in Dec of 2008, that has never gone away, only varying in intensity… its lowest being a 5 or 6 on a pain scale of 1 to 10. The pain in his leg has gone up above a 10, but it usually hovers around 7 or 8… (and “… its all in his head…”) He too, has obviously been told to “… get on with his life and deal with the pain… work through it…” In the mean time, he is demoralized through any physical labor, and the mental agony he experiences with his pain, and the treatment he gets from other employees if he’s working. Never in my life, did I EVER imagine my family would be so horribly marked. We have always been good to others… helping out where we could, we mind our own business, and just had our own life… until WCB was involved. Injured workers definitely don’t deserve this… neither do their families. I have a son who is autistic and my older one has sensory processing issues. I need to be available to my kids 24/7… how can I do that when we end up on the street? I have been nothing but a dedicated mother and wife and my husband has been nothing but a hard worker… pushing through all of his pain to support us, before he was injured he was dedicated to his work and us. Only to have the government and WCB justify their causes and take everything away from innocent people. I don’t know how they sleep at night, they are the ones that deserve to have EVERYTHING taken from them.

    Sad as it to say, from what I have seen and heard about WCB Alberta, is that is just gone bad – some could say evil, in the way they are able to push around victims and make them a victim not only of injury, but a victim in having to deal with them as well. Just horrible – and hiding behind legisation that prevent vicitms from suing them for their misdeads. Woe is the injuried chronic pain sufferer in Alberta. Their approach reminds me very much of the Monty Python skit about the dead Parrot where the pet store owner stoically refuses to believe the parrot he nail down is actually dead. It suits WCB to believe chronic pain sufferers are not significantly ill because it suits them as well. Look at the dead parrot skit and see if you can see the similarities:
    I hope some honest politician can give a care in this regard.

  44. Monica says:

    Oops…I forgot to mention… he dropped a 100 pound brake drum on his right knee. Why it didn’t break anything is beyond me. He hardly had any bruising, but clearly the damage occurred inside of his knee. The CRPS started developing a week later.

  45. Whats up! I just would like to give a huge thumbs up for the good data you’ve got right here on this post. I shall be coming back to your weblog for more soon.

  46. william says:

    I got my first severe bac injury in Saskatchewan after 9 months of pressure and case workers screwing up my payments I was forced back to work. In 2013 in Alberta I got 2 more crused discs I got a partial pension should been full pension. Case workers from both places led to mental illness several suicide attempts. Neither one gave me pain meds I should get compensated for chronic pain.

  47. william says:

    I got hurt in 2011 crushed 3 discs in my back after 9 months of getting wrong payments or no payments case worker ruin my credit. Also my case worker forced me back to work. In 2013 Alberta a second severe injury caused 2 more bad discs. Case workers with lies and miserable actions caused severe mental illness 3 suicide attemts last one my herat stopped twice and I was in a% day coma. WCB doctor Quickfall accepted my claim for mental illness. They only gave me a partial pension Saskatchewan does not want to compensate at all I need compensation for chronic pain also but they pray I kill myself first there your government people no better then the Mafia

  48. Darren MacKay says:

    There are many Injured Workers FORCED into poverty, bankrupt, or homeless, and on Welfare, by the W.C.B./W.S.I.B. Some even commit Suicide.

    The Workers Comp Systems benefit WCB EMPLOYEES, Employers, Lawyers, Government and least of all the Injured Workers.
    What was once the “Meredith Principles” (in Canada), now reads like a Chapter of “Animal Farm”.
    Basic Laws (Thin Skull Rule) have been stripped from the Injured Workers, and Government has bestowed the Rights of Injured Workers, upon themselves- for which they Fine and Sue Employers for Profit.

    WCB/WSIB use their own Medical Advisors to Deny Claims and Downplay Injuries, to FORCE Injured Workers Back to Work- which in many cases is against their Family Doctors and Independent Specialist’s Advice- so WCB/WSIB Employees, can Have Big Bonuses – In this Non Profit Organization and Employers get Lower Experience Ratings.

    Most Workers that are Pernamemtly Injured fight for Benefits for years with WCB/WSIB and most often they do not come.


    The Workers Con Boards have FAILED MANY Permanently and Disabled Injured Workers around the World.
    There are many Permanently Disabled and Injured Workers and Veterans looking for Justice:

  49. Anonymous says:

    Many Veterans and Injured Workers in Canada are going Bankrupt, in Poverty, On Social Assistance and Denied Medical Care- Some unfortuantely, end up in Jail, or Commit Suicide and Murder.
    Repsonse from the Federal Government’s MP Colin Fraser is that it is a Provincial Matter- but they are going to make a Committment to VETERANS.

    The Workers Comp Systems benefit WCB/WSIB EMPLOYEES, Employers, Lawyers, Government and least of all the Injured Workers.

    WCB/WSIB was Created by the Federal Government – which they Forfeited Injured Workers Rights to Sue Employers, for Compensation and Medical Care for their injuries.

    What was once the “Meredith Principles” which the WCB/WSIB were based on (in Canada), now reads like a Chapter of “Animal Farm”.
    Basic Laws (IE: Thin Skull Rule) have been stripped from the Injured Workers, and Government has bestowed the Rights of Injured Workers, upon themselves- for which they Fine and Sue Employers for their Profit.


    WCB/WSIB use their own Medical Advisors and Staff, – (some who have no expertise in the field of Medicine or Law) to Deny Claims and Downplay Injuries, to FORCE Injured Workers Back to Work- which in many cases is against their Family Doctors and Independent Specialist’s Advice

    “A November report by the Ontario Federation of Labour and advocacy groups alleged the board was systematically disregarding the advice of injured workers’ own physicians in favour of so-called “paper doctors” — physicians who review medical evidence on a workers’ file without even meeting them. ”


    Some Injured Workers experience Additonal Injuries through their dealing with the WCB/WSIB. WCB/WSIB avoid paying benefits to Injured Workers, by saying there is suitable work available, yet- this does not employ Injured Workers; nor, does it pay the bills. WCB/WSIB considers an Injured Workers Income for benefits- and takes into account, that if they were not working prior to their injury, they should not be entitled to income.

    WCB/WSIB Employees get Big Bonuses to Lower Claims, for the Employers- and Employers get Lower Experience Ratings or Premiums, and Rebated from Investments made by the WCB/WSIB with their Premiums, whom are the Sole Shareholders- In this Non Profit Organization.

    Most Workers whom are Permanently Disabled or Injured fight Appeals, for years with WCB/WSIB and most often they do not come. Many other Disabled and Injured Workers’ give up because the Appeals are Long, and Exhaustive and they do not get Proper and Adequate Representation for their Relentless Appeals.

    The Workers’ Con Boards have FAILED MANY Permanently and Disabled Injured Workers and Veterans around the World. There are many Permanently Disabled and Injured Workers and Veterans looking for Justice!


    MPP Colin Fraser, was recently on the Radio Y-95 – Talk Show -“The Weekender” (Jan/22/17), but would not address these issues (and I was disconnect TWICE and could not fully present all of this information)- and he had suggested that I contact him in person; to Discuss my Personal Issues-However- this should be a PUBLIC MATTER!

    Many of these things I talk about like Lost Wages/ Health Care and Benefits for Injured Workers was supposed to be coved by Employers and the Premiums they pay – Under the WCB/WSIB SCHEME-and the “Meredith Principals- ” NOT THE PUBLIC”! The “Meredith Principles” stated Injured Workers’ should not be a Burden on Society; nor, their family.

    Every Disabled and Injured Worker, whom is on Social Assistance, or Disability Pensions, or receives Health Care/Medical Attention and Medication and is not able to work from their Work Related Injuries; if it is not being coved by WCB/WSIB;- as it is supposed to be Covered by the W.C.B./W.S.I.B through Employer Premiums Paid is “FRAUD UPON the PUBLIC” . That was the “Historic Compromise” the Federal Government Legislated through “The Meredith Report” which WCB/WSIB was Created. Yet; sadly many Permanently and Disabled Injured Workers, are being Mistreated and Denied Benefits and Medical Care through a BIAS and CORRUPT SYSTEM!


    Legislative Assembly of Ontario – July 5, 2012

    “I also have here, under the Detrimental Reliance Act, estoppel, and I believe you are in the law department, sir? Yes. I think you will understand where I am coming from here. The meaning of estoppel is assertion of facts on which another relies, assumption of position, which if not maintained, will result in injustice to another, concealment of facts. Now it is obvious here today what Mr. Gillis had told you, on February 17, 1998, the final appeal was put through and the three member Nova Scotia Appeal Court threw it back to the compensation board and told them to pay the chronic pain. This is on February 17, 1998. On February 26, 1998, this gentleman was told that there was no chronic pain. Do you understand where I am getting here with the dates? This man was misrepresented. He was misled and there was an unjust done to this man, not only to him but to other injured workers who went to these ADR hearings. What you have to understand is that you put yourself in the position of an injured worker. Now you gentlemen come to this side. Come live with an injured worker for a day and see what he goes through. You have a gun to your head when you go into these ADR hearings. ”

    “It is like a gentleman told me, he said it is like taking a rubber tube or a dinghy and putting it on the government wharf and having three holes in it. They are telling you to go and swim to the Joey Smallwood. If you make it to the Joey Smallwood with that rubber dinghy with the holes in it, then we will give you what you deserve but if you don’t want to take that chance, we will give you what we think we are going to give you. Do you think that is fair to the injured worker of Nova Scotia, especially when the banks are phoning. There are people in the institutions here, they are under that much distress and duress, it is unreal. Like the kids don’t have rubber boots to go to school with in the winter time. They go home, all they eat is Kraft Dinner and hot dogs. I mean do you think they deserve this? They do not deserve this and hopefully, gentlemen, that you people, actually I am begging here today on behalf of the injured workers of Cape Breton and of Nova Scotia, that you do something to help the injured workers. This is our last shot and our last hope, is you people. “…

    Legislative Assembly of Ontario:

    “The Canada pension plan was never meant to be a disability system, but injured workers apply for CPP disability because they have a three- or four-year wait before they can get an adverse decision overturned. Other agencies now have to bear the costs—taxpayers bear the costs—of these workplace injuries instead of having the employers, who are supposed to be paying these costs, paying them. So the taxpayers pay them.”


    Some Permanently Injured and Disabled Workers do not appy for a Disability Pension as they are under the False Pretence by the WCB/WSIB that they will receive Workers Compensation Benefits- when after years of Appeals they are Denied these Just Benefits and the time has expired to apply for Canada Disability Pensions.

    Colin Fraser has said the Provincial Governments and Federal Governments should work together- However; that was not his response to me during his On Air Interview. Colin Fraser, had shifted it to the Provincial Governments Responsibility. Yet; it was the Federal Government whom created WCB/WSIB and called it a “Seperate Entity”.

    The Federal Government had given WCB/WSIB “Exclusive Jurisdiction”, which means, In civil procedure, exclusive jurisdiction exists where one court has the power to adjudicate a case to the exclusion of all other courts. It is the opposite situation from concurrent jurisdiction (or non exclusive jurisdiction), in which more than one court may take jurisdiction over the case.

    The Federal Government, has let the Provinces Change the Legislation Dramatically to benefit Employers, Government, Lawyers, and Least of all the Injured Workers!

    These Issues have been discussed/debated and many studies have shown that the Injured Workers are not treated fairly!


    As was said in “The Meredith Report”:

    “In these days of social and industrial unrest it is, in my judgment, of the gravest importance to the community that every proved injustice to any section or class resulting from bad or unfair laws should be promptly removed by the enactment of remedial legislation and I do not doubt that the country whose Legislature is quick to discern and prompt to remove injustice will enjoy, and that deservedly, the blessing of industrial peace and freedom from social unrest. Half measures which mitigate but do not remove injustice are, in my judgment, to be avoided. That the existing law inflicts injustice on the workingman is admitted by all. From that injustice he has long suffered, and it would, in my judgment, be the gravest mistake if questions as to the scope and character of the proposed remedial legislation were to be determined, not by a consideration of what is just to the workingman, but of what is the least he can be put off with; or if the Legislature were to be deterred from passing a law designed to do full justice owing to groundless fears that disaster to the industries of the Province would follow from the enactment of it. ”
    All of which is respectfully submitted. W.R. MEREDITH, Commissioner.
    Dated at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, the 31st day of October, 1913.
    ACCOUNTABILITY And FAIRNESS should be ADDRESSED at the TOP- Would you not agree?

  50. dee says:

    i would very much like to connect with whoever submitted this article “WCB Report Files” I share similar concerns and feel that there may be strength in numbers.

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